Example sentences of "[pers pn] as [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I am immensely kindly supported in my lonely periods here by a whole host of interesting and talented friends — nearly all of whom are John 's age or nearer yours as it so happens .
2 So if it settles down , and you do n't have any more next time , keep an eye on you as we normally do every few Well we 'll be seeing you fairly soon , wo n't we ?
3 No , I 'm going to interrupt you as I usually do .
4 and they look at you as you just said as , you know , you 're powerless , you ca n't do anything now
5 Well , we , we as you correctly say er with the whole industry had a , had a difficult August , I think the good news for Rover is that we fell less in volume terms than most of the competition , and indeed we marginally increased our market share .
6 He released her at once , and Lindsey felt a confusing ache somewhere deep inside her as they finally drove away .
7 The next moment the music started , sending a thrill of expectation lancing through her as she instantly recognised the opening bars of ‘ Sweet Georgia Brown ’ .
8 He stayed beside the car as she crossed the narrow pavement , but the shadowed gaze followed her as she shakily climbed the steps to the door of the house , slid her key into the lock with a trembling hand and let herself into the hallway .
9 Luke watched her as she gingerly helped herself to some of the food .
10 The unnerving grey-green eyes narrowed slightly , and as Tara appeared with a tray he gestured for Virginia to sit at the table , his gaze not leaving her as she reluctantly did so .
11 A shudder ran through her as she suddenly remembered one very valid point .
12 Ronni looked back at him and was aware of a flicker inside her as she suddenly caught sight of those wonderful eyelashes .
13 Rune filled her glass , watching her as she half emptied it in one long swallow , waiting until she replaced it on the table before enquiring mildly , ‘ Then what happened ? ’
14 ‘ Warning you , ’ I tell her as I slowly take my hand away from her mouth .
15 " My dear great-niece , Sara Monroe , will be surprised and perhaps a little chagrined to find that I have not left Moorlake outright to her as I always promised , but when she has met Matthew Preston she will , I know , understand why I have changed my mind .
16 Did he dare to impute such motives to her as he clearly had himself ?
17 Emotionally dazed and confused , she leaned weakly against his hard , muscular body , only the support of his strong tanned arms preventing her trembling legs from giving way beneath her as he swiftly removed the lower half of her bikini .
18 Ianthe spoke perfunctorily , for she was walking away from the library with John who had not left her as he usually did to go to his bus stop .
19 The man 's fastidiousness over money marked him as one not belonging to the mendicant class , and on the way to the doctor 's John asked him about himself .
20 Sibbes described him as someone well versed in ‘ controverted points of divinity ’ and , with the exception of John Pym , no MP in the late 1620s was more vigorous in his efforts to demonstrate the dangers presented by Arminianism .
21 ‘ I 'll give it up , you know , everything , ’ she told him as she absently towelled her wet hair .
22 But she simply ignored him as she always had and began to practise with the yellow-haired vibrancer who 'd been with Jeopardy in Mandru 's salon on the morning Lucien had met the master .
23 Then , taking a deep breath , he began to talk , the words tumbling out of him as he finally admitted the truth .
24 I was n't at all sure I was doing the right thing but I got up and started towards him as he finally got the clip to slide into the gun and snick home .
25 Something is his unconscious , and the planets or children are aspects of his life that return to him as he slowly readjusts to reality .
26 The manager watched him as he wearily climbed the stairs .
27 His last customer took the smile with him as he unwillingly left the warm room and limped back with chattering teeth to the unwelcoming flat at the top of the stone stairs .
28 Shiona writhed against him as he simply held her tighter .
29 The reader feels sympathetic towards him as he always had the burden of Lennie on his back , Lennie , who always said ,
30 Feasting her eyes on him as he quickly enclosed his nether limbs , Gina was forcibly reminded of their first meeting .
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