Example sentences of "[pers pn] as he [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well-informed on Cnut 's doings , and a valuable source on his dealings with the pope and the German emperor in Rome and his Scandinavian wars , it is similar to Wulfstan 's material in ordering intolerance of injustice and prompt payment of church dues , but can not be his as he died in 1023 .
2 It had seemed to him that her eyes looked right into his as he stood in the darkened hall , staring into the room .
3 Geoffrey Moorhouse uses Bury as his pivot : he explores it fact by fact , family by family ; this little town in the moors bore a hideous amount of the slaughter in the Dardanelles , no matter what your Australian neighbour may tell you as he leans on the bar and his legend .
4 Driving home , Nick saw her as he went through the village .
5 For a second or two his eyes seemed to be searching her as he glanced at her dark , tightly fixed hair , her face , her shoulders and her long neck .
6 And as Jamila sat there humming and reading , absorbed , with Changez 's eyes also poring over her as he lay on his bed surrounded by ‘ specials ’ covered in fluff , with cricket magazines and half-eaten packets of biscuits around him , I felt this was Jamila 's ultimate moment of herselfness .
7 And after putting her plate in front of her he kissed the bunched tips of his pudgy fingers and shot rolling-eyed glances of admiration at her as he murmured to Nathan .
8 Pascoe felt inclined to agree with her as he drove along Boundary Drive .
9 She felt him lean forward over her back , his chest and stomach bearing down on her as he reached for her sweet bubbies , swinging like ripe peaches beneath her .
10 Yet she could not deny that her heart tilted inside her as he reached for her hand once more and assured her , ‘ I 'm as free as you are .
11 ‘ That was Ivo , my housekeeper 's husband , ’ Vendelin Gajdusek enlightened her as he fell into step with her and she sharpened up her pace , to match his .
12 His back was towards her as he crossed to the coffee-machine .
13 He smiled at her as he smiled at Margaret .
14 Guido flicked his gaze over her as he leaned against one of the geranium-filled stone urns .
15 He was already thinking of what he would write to her as he turned into the main road :
16 He took a step towards her as he started to unbutton his shirt , and she forced herself not to give him the satisfaction of moving away .
17 They follow him as he goes through the sky and when he leaves the sky they look for him all night .
18 An infra-red scanner winks its inflamed eye at him as he goes into the lounge in search of reading matter .
19 The rain continued to beat down upon him as he ran across the dark and sodden park just before midnight .
20 In the early hours of February 16 last year Abram broke into her home through the bathroom window and when she disturbed him as he searched for money for drink and to have his hair cut he killed her , Mr Burke said .
21 She watched him as he reached for his brandy glass and drained it , her eyes fixed on his dark profile , drinking him in .
22 All heads turned to watch him as he reached into his pocket and took out three multicoloured balls .
23 She rushed after him , almost bumping into him as he came to an abrupt halt in the kitchen doorway .
24 Alarm rose in response to the dark , angry glitter her defiant claim brought to his eyes , and as he began to move towards her , Maria also moved , whirling past him as he came round the desk .
25 Councillor Rodgers said , ‘ They are interfering with the democratic process in this by-election and seeking to buy political influence with what amounts to bribes ’ , and noted the offer was personally embarrassing for him as he negotiated as a union official with the companies over workers ' pay and conditions .
26 They spent those few days in Blackpool and she last saw him as he left for duty from Chester station .
27 They spent those few days in Blackpool and she last saw him as he left for duty from Chester railway station .
28 There was something comfortingly familiar in this maddening ruin , this mythagoscape , generated by a burned airman many years in the past , created by him as he journeyed to the innermost and most ancient place of all .
29 The idea of this power , this energy , came to him as he waited for the traffic lights to change so that he could cross .
30 Bernice caught up with him as he veered towards the broad staircase .
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