Example sentences of "[pers pn] from [art] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 The benefit of getting it there early and a little leap word which takes you from a feature to a benefit
2 The whole Godhead is involved in the rescue and restoration of mankind , and so we read of Paul giving thanks over Christians , for ‘ God chose you from the beginning to be saved ’ .
3 The BASIC tutor takes you from the start to an intermediate level at a comfortable pace .
4 ‘ How far are we from a descent to the street ? ’ he asked Jotan .
5 She cries : ‘ … fill me from the crown to the toe , top-full Of direst cruelty !
6 If I had ever thought of the possibility of being taken prisoner while I was in England , I should have expected all Germans to be like the officer who had tried to interrogate me at the aerodrome or the two soldiers who had brought me from the aerodrome to Amsterdam .
7 The nurse shifts me from the cart to the bed with some difficulty .
8 A taxi took them from the airport to Commander Zadak 's office , some kilometres north of Sydney .
9 Having planned in advance that you intend to press a bouquet or some special flowers , you must also decide how you intend to transport them from the event to your home .
10 Then I mention that the only people who really use notebooks to the full , who worry about weight and battery life , are journalists because most other notebook users tend to take them from the car to an office or home , often using the mains and probably doing little more than running a spreadsheet .
11 Times have certainly changed , he thought , admiring a small rose quartz snuff bottle Douglas had handed him from a cabinet to one side of the study .
12 Mahmud Pasa confesses that such is the case , explaining that Abdulkerim saved him from an addiction to wine which , he implies , would have seriously impaired his chances not only for a successful career but for salvation as well .
13 ‘ You are all the same , ’ I had said — reducing her from an individual to a stereotype , lumping her in with the worst of the cherry berets .
14 Margaret Hughes wept in the backseat of the police car that took her from the court to prison .
15 One can just as reasonably move it from a church to a gallery , from a museum to a bedroom …
16 erm sequences such as what happened yesterday , what happened today , what 's going to happen tomorrow — dyslexic people very often have great difficulty with this and transferring from the two dimensional to the three dimensional , like you might say to a dyslexic adult when he or she asks directions , ‘ Oh , well , it 's first right , second left and then there 's a tower on your right and you 've got to turn to the left after the tree ’ and so on , and a dyslexic person ca n't remember any of that at all , or transfer it from the map to the reality .
17 Instead of being sawn off in strips like they do , actually carved it from the outside to the centre .
18 Every weekend he gave Mossman the baker a shilling for his cart and every Saturday afternoon he pushed it from the bakery to the square in the High Street and harangued the passers-by about the stupidity of the forthcoming war .
19 The main accusation levelled against boundary routing is that the technology does not actually decrease overall complexity of the network , it merely shifts it from the periphery to the central hub .
20 Rather than dropping his company 's commission bearing charge completely , he would have preferred to have reduced it and moved it from the front to the back end of his unit trusts — that is , charging investors as they leave the fund rather than as they enter .
21 While negotiations continued in Geneva , the Tories went to the polls declaring that ‘ collective security by collective action can alone save us from a return to the old system which resulted in the Great War . ’
22 A charming Chinese member of staff greeted us and took us from the airport to Robert Black College which was to be our home for four months .
23 He 's taking us from the airport to what is locally down as the Darth Vader Hotel .
24 A Zim motor-car took us from the airport to the Europe Hotel which is just off the Nevsky prospekt , the wide main street of Leningrad .
25 The cabbie , who drove us from the airport to our hotel , had spent some time in Oxford and London .
26 It was , or it has been , a believe that the N H S was for all of us from the cradle to the grave .
27 It was , or it has been , a belief that the N H S was for all of us from the cradle to the grave .
28 ‘ How very different from Spain' was Dana 's first comment as the bus took us from the station to Avondale Buildings .
29 God means to free us from the bondage to the self-centredness and self-vindication which marked us in the old days , and has equipped us with the Spirit of the Messiah to set us free to serve him unselfconsciously , effectively and joyfully .
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