Example sentences of "[pers pn] do [adv] [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 I neither would nor could have murdered him , but I do not regard him as a loss . ’
2 The the only job which I told Neil I do not expect him to take is working for waste disposal because he did that , this time last year and before he started he was full of big talk about you make a lot of money and you get a lot of tips at Christmas he found that you do not make a lot of money and you do not get generous tips at Christmas
3 I do NOT want him going to some —
4 This is not because it is so special or secret that I do not want to divulge it — indeed the patient will remember it quite well for himself — but because I do not want him to listen to that tape at some future date and begin to regress himself when I am not there to take charge of the situation .
5 I do not want him to return now .
6 Death would be too kind an end for a man who has done what he has , and I do not want him to escape into it . ’
7 It is because , if mania represents an overcoming of the lost primal mother by means of triumphant substitution of the son for the mother , then megalomania represents , not only a denial of the passive love of the father ( I do not love him , I love myself ) , but also an unconscious identification and fusion with him ( it is in this sense that our manic autobiography above can claim that ‘ in a sense I am God ’ , etc . ) .
8 But the psychoanalytic theory of paranoia enables us to see that these two equally-well-attested interpretations are not in any way in conflict with one another because in the latent content of paranoia we find both a tendency to symbolize the father as the sun and a delusion of persecution concerning him which in a typically paranoid way denies the homosexual factor by saying I do not love him , he hates me .
9 I do not keep him tied to my apron strings . "
10 He is alone , but not lonely , Ari thought , and I do not pity him any more .
11 If he did not know that , I do not mind him admitting it , but it is extraordinary ignorance on his part .
12 But if I assume he is a rogue when in fact he is honest , I cheat myself when I do not trust him .
13 I can imagine him so very clearly , from his photographs , his words , but I do not remember him myself — I should have , I was two years old — it 's strange that I can not remember seeing him bending over my cot , as they say he did , glass of brandy-and-soda in hand .
14 ‘ I have lived with my husband for twenty years and still I do not know him . ’
15 Twenty years I have lived with the same man and still I do not know him .
16 We have never slept apart and still I do not know him .
17 I have borne his child and still I do not know him .
18 I am Catholic and can not divorce but I do not want to divorce because I do not know him well enough to want to divorce him .
19 For twenty years I have known the same man and yet still I do not know him .
20 So I do not know him well .
21 I do not know him , ’ he snapped .
22 ‘ Effendi , I do not know him .
23 ‘ True , I do not know him and have no wish to , but he intrigues me .
24 I do not know him I do not know him .
25 I do not know him I do not know him .
26 I have seen less of Olazabal because , for some reason , I do not find him an easy player to watch .
27 I have seen less of Olazabal because , for some reason , I do not find him an easy player to watch .
28 The Minister 's only defence I do not recall him using it in Committee — against the charge that he is wantonly selling public assets cheaply is that we always have recourse to the Public Accounts Committee .
29 I might have thought that the right hon. Gentleman would draw the attention of the House to his views on the two new clauses , but I do not recall him even mentioning them .
30 Verity is another possibility , but I do not see him batting No. 8 in this team .
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