Example sentences of "[pers pn] [Wh adv] i [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And what business is it of yours how I feel about Jonathan ? ’
2 Th th er th did I tell you about er how I how I started at , how I left school ?
3 But if I had to choose a hunter for work in a particular type of country I should have a pretty good idea which would be the best animal to pick , though I might not be able to tell you how I went about it . ’
4 I decided I 'd have to tell you how I felt after the wedding when I thought you might be feeling more moved to accept advances from a Bluebeard .
5 I 'm trying to tell you how I feel in myself .
6 Did I tell you why I got with that girl
7 I ca n't tell you why I spoke like that , I — I do n't find it easy to talk about I 'm afraid .
8 I am close to despair as I think of her — –her hollow eyes haunt me whenever I drift towards sleep being slowly sucked dry by that thing in Pampers .
9 ‘ He admitted in the end that he was suggesting the break for my sake , and I told him how I felt about that .
10 ‘ How can I tell them how I feel about it ? ’
11 ‘ I expect you want to ask me how I began in the theatre , ’ Stella said .
12 She asked me how I felt towards Abraham , told me of his feelings for me , and offered sisterly advice on how to win him .
13 Assistant manager Eddie Stein , who had taken temporary control , said : ‘ The chairman did ask me how I felt about Barry possibly coming back earlier this week and I told him I 'd welcome him with open arms .
14 After eating the piece of chicken dipped in cumin and saffron which he must have liked , he asked me where I came from .
15 Well , he could remember , and he was n't afraid , for he could remember even now … and Kraal began to speak ‘ You asked me where I came from , Creggan , and I will tell you .
16 So when the Sergeant-Major asked me where I hoped to be posted eventually , I told him the 2ème Régiment Étranger de Parachutistes ; this did n't surprise him as most British recruits said the same thing .
17 ‘ It is necessary to have connections , you do not understand , ’ she told me when I remarked on the fact , though even the normally impassive Czechs leapt to their feet and gallantly opened doors for her at every available opportunity .
18 All Penny Seu Chen could tell me when I returned on Friday evening to find you gone was that you and he had flown to Hualien for the weekend . ’
19 Hamer USA told me when I spoke to them that this is a custom option and not featured on the standard Sunburst models .
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