Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] quite a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I never did get the hang of table tennis but I became quite a useful bantam-weight and once even represented the club against Bethnal Green .
2 ‘ With the Floyd I used quite a different system : two Fender 150 watt heads and two pairs of Marshall 4x12s .
3 Well when I worked at , when I started off in the I quite liked my job in there , you made your own pay , and I liked , it was a starching job , I 'd quite a good job in there .
4 I do n't know but then frankly thinking but then I got them in the end you know I just did n't sell them because nobody paid that much and then ah in the outset and I paid quite a big price for for two for Patrick and me and then when they were they they dropped the price and then I got some more .
5 As I flew the approach I observed quite a tall tree on the threshold , which I assumed to be the obstruction .
6 I remember when Mike and Robin went into their flats I spent quite a long time with them
7 One day , as I was waiting to be admitted to the prison , I heard quite a young man talking to the guard in broken but familiar Italian : it sounded like Triestino .
8 Charles Wood and I worked quite a long time to explore the framework of The Knack and take away a lot of the theatrical implications .
9 So I had quite a wide variety of requests from students . ’
10 The thing I hated most about my pregnancy was the hot weather and my body changing I had quite a nice figure before but now along with the stretch marks , I hate my body .
11 I had quite a good vocabulary and had written letters to Eric , but I had n't had anyone to talk to in English .
12 I had quite a good chat with Ray the other day , yes , eh .
13 I had quite a restless night , and did not really fancy the tea I was brought in the morning .
14 I did n't care much for the hens and geese but I had quite a high opinion of the pigs .
15 From my bedroom I had quite a clear view of the lake between two neighbouring houses .
16 you said you got quite a good rapport .
17 She found quite a rare one just as she reached the other edge of the wood .
18 She meant quite a different world .
19 She did quite a wholesale trade with pedlars who used to retail the goods door to door in the surrounding villages .
20 She had quite a long and happy chat with the ‘ witch ’ before she left for home .
21 However , on a Dow-Stoker Returners programme she discovered that she had quite a strong numerical ability , and decided that she would like to work in an accounts department .
22 If you look at her face she had quite a pointed nose
23 She had quite a large party staying in the village and so we just gathered in the kitchen and talked .
24 We became quite a regular there , as a matter of fact , nine consecutive mornings , including two Sundays , past the battlements , through gardens , then down the long loot-crammed passages , with glass cases full of baubles and beauties , and oblongs of oils and tapestries and embroidered maps reeling past our sight — to the waiting room .
25 Thank you Mr Chairman , I , I 've got a certain amount of experience in the subject because we got quite a big one in our village .
26 Gorbachev disclosed that " for the first time in recent years we laid quite a strong stress on what our economic relations should be like " , although he failed to provide details on the precise content of the talks .
27 We raised quite a good sum for the first time and that went to the Barnardos home .
28 This was something she had never even heard of , so we spent quite a long time discussing hypnosis , regression and how the techniques could be applied to her situation .
29 We spent quite a long time sorting out this problem in the electrostatic case , and we need not repeat the argument here .
30 When when the strike first started , being in the summer months we needed quite a strong picket line to talk to the tourists , at various gates cos that was the main source of income at the quarry at that time .
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