Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] him as a " in BNC.

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1 And my real father — I mean my official , signed and sealed father — struck me the only time I met him as a grandiose old phoney .
2 MICHAEL WINNER and I ceased to be on speaking terms after I described him as a very average director who made very average movies .
3 I I regarded him as a a professional , highly trained officer er confidence in his judgement .
4 I cried out in relief and happiness : I thought I recognised him as a former schoolmate , a boy with whom I used to exchange groans about the maths problems whose solutions so frequently eluded us .
5 I loved him as a son does a father . ’
6 The following sentences taken from van Ek ( 1966 : 104-5 ) illustrate this use : ( 97 ) I knew him as a man to be very much like myself .
7 I knew him as a hard-working , modest , and honest politician , ’ he said .
8 ‘ I could n't believe he drugged me because I saw him as a caring person , he had got me into his confidence .
9 Before I took him as a patient , I watched many of his fight films .
10 I liked him as a man and I thought er Mrs was a delightful lady .
11 There I had him as a charming , affectionate colleague of mature judgment .
12 It was because he told me he had seen a woman more beautiful than me , and said that if I wanted him as a husband , I must marry him at once !
13 I set him as a foreigner : untrustworthy , slyly clever , un-English .
14 She failed him as a great ‘ silver ’ power , as a naval power at Trafalgar , and by 1807 her domestic polities were so confused by court intrigue that she appeared scarcely a reliable political ally .
15 She made Fred see himself only as she described him as a man who was deliberately making his now pregnant wife unhappy .
16 She recognised him as a kindred spirit , with the same happy-go-lucky , questing attitude to life which she herself possessed .
17 She always had half an eye for him ; sometimes I thought she watched him as a tamer does a tiger .
18 She saw him as a reflection of herself , devious and cunning , her partner in many a conspiracy ; the most successful of which had been the manipulation of that slut of a girl in Tyler Blacklock 's lodging house .
19 It was easier , for example , to face the fact of Uncle Philip if she saw him as a character in a film , possibly played by Orson Welles .
20 She treated him as a malnourished curiosity , swooping down on him with tender cluckings , and seductive titbits — a crab claw , a lychee , a chocolate truffle — asking him to describe God , or Heaven , or sin , treating him as a confessional , trying to dress him up as a cardinal , showing him off to her friends .
21 She remembered him as a very private person .
22 She visualised him as a dolphin , rising up out of the waves , the moisture on his sleek , dark skin as bright as stars .
23 The princess kissed the frog and he did n't turn into a handsome prince but that was all right because she liked him as a frog .
24 It does n't seem that long since you had him as a puppy
25 Perhaps they used him as a mine-detector !
26 Oh there was this interview with Mick Jagger yeah but like it must have been written about cos they described him as a neanderthal rocker .
27 They saw him as a bulwark against a ‘ red menace ’ .
28 This time they saw him as a public enemy .
29 AN ARMED robber ‘ executed ’ a security guard because he recognised him as a former schoolmate , a court was told yesterday .
30 It is indeed strange that Anselm never referred the question to Ivo , bishop of Chartres : he knew him as a friend , but not apparently as the greatest authority on Canon Law in northern Europe .
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