Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] they had [adv] " in BNC.

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1 When I joined they had just published The Thorn Birds so Futura was on a real high — it had expanded considerably over the previous 18 months . ’
2 After each game you would be forgiven if you thought they had always won , because , win or lose , their only concern was ‘ who are we playing next ’ ?
3 She had tried to describe the origins of the Quakers — or the Society of Friends — to the police , but she said they had simply found it strange .
4 It was only after he had gone that they realized they had never asked his name or where he lived .
5 Not surprisingly , they believed they had only made a stab at it , From the start Wave and HHCL were determined to build the campaign around an organisation with a sound commercial and practical justification for funding such advertising ; someone with a vested interest in curbing consumer greed .
6 Although they discovered they had hardly a single taste in common , he was nonetheless a witty and amusing host and she found herself laughing in a way she had not done for a considerable time .
7 Mullingar was passed and they felt they had hardly said a word to one another .
8 He did n't have to scream at people to get his way ; he just told them and he knew that they knew they had better do it that way or there was gon na be trouble ! ’
9 They said they had nowhere to go , so mum took them in . ’
10 She asked them about the child and they said they had just found him .
11 But when two officers showed up , they said they had officially seized the package , and wished to search his flat .
12 My waist was so small , they said they had never seen anyone with such a small waist .
13 And it was no comfort having old ladies telling me how they wished they had naturally curly hair .
14 The Americans were 11 under par when it finished they had also been six under in the Foursomes when they beat Gordon Brand and Sam Torrance .
15 He thought they had unquestionably been right to believe Nuadu and Tealtaoich and the others .
16 But he denied they had ever made love .
17 He put on a tape of Vivaldi and then switched it off because he said they had too much to talk about .
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