Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [conj] [vb past] on " in BNC.

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1 I sighed and tumbled on a great idea .
2 So I manfully postponed the drink I fancied and put on a tracksuit .
3 MY diary ( and letters to my wife ) noted what I saw and heard on night duty in the guardroom of an RAF aerodrome on the weekend of September 7–8 when reports came through that big Luftwaffe daylight raids had begun on London .
4 I tossed and writhed on my hard bed ,
5 I 've started that , I 've got ta , just got ta I went and played on the computers yesterday .
6 Not to be denied my ride , I ran and jumped on his back , taking him by surprise .
7 Ilsa and I wrote and spoke on the phone occasionally for a number of years .
8 Instead of getting someone to calm me down and talk to me , a whole bunch of them came and jumped on me and rushed me down to the block and left me there .
9 She stopped and sat on the grass verge .
10 She came and knocked on the door and then we went back and I , I said what you stopped for ?
11 This one could n't rape a prostitute if she came and sat on his knee .
12 She came and sat on the bed which creaked uneasily with the weight .
13 She turned and lay on her back and looked up at him , her hair dishevelled , the tears staining her cheeks .
14 Then she turned and flew on winged feet up the narrow stair to take refuge in her garret room .
15 After swimming a few lengths of the pool , she turned and floated on her back , enjoying the warmth of the sun on her half-submerged body , listening to the splashing of the other swimmers , their laughing voices , the harsh cries of magpies in the nearby forest , the occasional insect droning past .
16 Half in panic , half in the laughter of release , she turned and turned on the same spot .
17 When the servants left she went and sat on the sofa and stared at the attractive rug .
18 She tapped and drew on her cigarette .
19 She dressed and put on her shoes and went down to Emma 's flat .
20 Lisa Isherwood of Wales sustained a broken leg during a Home International foursomes tie against Scotland , after she slipped and fell on wet ground as she was leaving the 8th green .
21 Then she calmed and sat on the edge of the huge bed , her respiration normalising , her pulse slowing .
22 She sat or perched on an upright chair smiling like an angel just dropped from the skies .
23 She groaned and threshed on the bed in an anguish of pleasure , redness behind her eyes , her ears singing , sea in a shell .
24 We stripped and sat on metal stools ; we were told to take everything out of our pockets and wait until our names were called from the room next door .
25 Well of course we protested and went on the March for Life and Peace , which was turned back by the military .
26 Acknowledging and dealing positively with political differences was vital to our continuance and effectiveness as we struggled and worked on fundamental issues of feminism and socialism , the emphasis of our commitment being governed to a large extent by our differing political histories .
27 Range after range of mountains passed beneath as we bucked and swayed on the final approach .
28 We ran and knocked on the midwife 's door and Mrs Bullivant seemed to know who it was without looking , for she called out for Nelly to run and get newspapers and hot water ready .
29 Just for a second it seemed to Polly that they met and lingered on hers .
30 By common consent they stopped and leant on the oak fence that bordered the field of barley beyond .
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