Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [conj] [vb past] it " in BNC.

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1 White continues , ‘ As I never possessed the sense of smelling , and was willing to ascertain the flavour of the liquor , I tasted and found it to be aromatic , tho ’ not very pungent , partaking of the taste of catchup and of the pickle of Spanish olives . ’
2 I designed and built it myself . ’
3 I hung and trimmed it .
4 The first time I just heard a sort of brassy actor 's voice with a bit of Northern in it , so I apologized and said it was a wrong number .
5 I thought that covered it but , it may not do .
6 Yeah I went and got it yesterday but they 'd had a break in and you should 've seen it they 'd smashed the front door , it were all smashed in .
7 Yeah I like to , I like to have a go at different things I mean the the the other the other lunchtime we had you know he came in at lunchtime and er Shirley had gone somewhere Ann and er I 'll have the chicken kiev for me please so so I went and did it did you cook that for him ?
8 Also a photo of all the officers of Walsall that I saw in a second hand shop and I went and bought it for a few pence .
9 ‘ You do n't have to pay , ’ I said and ordered it .
10 ‘ Do n't forget to bring me some poteen , ’ I said and left it at that .
11 ‘ Here , kid , ’ I said and threw it to him .
12 ‘ Never again ’ I said and gave it to my sister-in-law ( she 's a big girl ) and I felt glad to see the back of it .
13 I accepted and enjoyed it .
14 Someone had left the scullery window open , so I closed and fastened it . ’
15 I washed and sterilised it and put it on the hall table , beside the front door .
16 Then , using her school hat as a net , she swooped and caught it .
17 We read your guide to clipping dogs ' nails ( December issue ) and bought the nail cutters you recommended and did it ourselves , following your guide .
18 If she asked or noticed it , he would blame it on the college refusal .
19 She bent and stroked it .
20 She knelt and prised it from its bed .
21 She winced and pushed it away from her .
22 She stooped and picked it up .
23 Cos she reckoned that cured it .
24 ‘ I know , ’ she replied and dropped it on to the couchette .
25 She turned and saw it was a young man quite obviously afflicted by Down 's syndrome who had called her .
26 ‘ Oh , you daft loony ! ’ she yelled and threw it at him .
27 ‘ Lovely ! ’ she would say as she cooked and ate it , with the little pursing of her lips and narrowing of her grey eyes which was the nearest she ever came to a smile or a laugh .
28 At her inquest this afternoon he said he 'd visited the streets where she worked and found it dangerous even in daylight .
29 She pulled and patted it into a comfortable pad and Midnight slumped down , leaning forward against his crooked legs , his hands draped over his knees .
30 When she laughed and giggled it stretched from ear to ear , but half an hour after leaving her you found yourself remembering Harvey 's claim that she was the most beautiful girl in the world .
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