Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [pron] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His approach to clients was summed up in a remark I overheard him make to a colleague at the bar : ‘ You know me — I believe everybody ’ .
2 ‘ You see , ’ I overheard her say through the half-closed door , ‘ I told you he could be useful . ’
3 I overheard her say to her friend that she had lost something , but she has not reported it to me .
4 All right , I knew the cockroach treatment was for the time when I made my centipede on a string crawl up Shirnette 's back .
5 Years later , I met her come from Iran .
6 George held the phone away from his ear as the man 's phlegmy voice carried on : ‘ This new film makes the last one I sold you look like Noddy and Big Ears in Toytown ! ’
7 I helped her prepare for the date , pressing her nicest blouse , lending her my best necklace and polishing her shoes .
8 Those two batteries I told you put in your pocket in case the batteries went flat this morning .
9 Shell , plasticine , you know I told you need in there , you need a plastic spoon , that 's for wood is n't it ?
10 I heard her come up the stairs .
11 I heard her say to him mum Auntie Alice this morning , she love her cat so I heard her say to him come on then , let's see what mummy 's got for you this morning .
12 I heard her say to Cathy , can I come round to your house tonight , I just want to get away from .
13 That would be loss enough if I watched him go with only longing for him in my heart but there is instead a bitterness because he is happy to go life there being preferable to here where there is only his tired wife for company .
14 I asked for one ticket and paid for it , then I watched him ask for the same and fish down inside his carrier bag and bring out a ten pound note .
15 I watched him walk towards Daffodil , who was waving to him vigorously , and take the place saved by her handbag .
16 I watched him play against Liverpool and he scored a fine goal and did not look far short of his true form . ’
17 I watched him dip into a bucket and throw a scoopful of water on to the hot stones of the fire .
18 I watched them decide on the wrong place and paint the first mark carefully round a sapling 's trunk .
19 They would never stay in my bedroom very long , but you can imagine my excitement each lunchtime as I watched them arrive in the garden , enter the house and quack their way up to me , as regular as clockwork .
20 I watched her go with sadness in my heart because I felt for some inexplicable reason that I would never see Granny again .
21 I watched her grow into a tomboy with a smile that encompassed the world ; eyes with the devil inside .
22 I watched her cry and I watched her grow into a beautiful assured young woman with the same infectious grin .
23 I watched it rise on the air currents , becoming a marker for the height I was at ; the space I looked across .
24 I watched it grow at each end , slowly , like a negative developing in the reflected light of the zebra .
25 I watched it float in slow motion towards the ceramic shower base , which it cracked neatly in two .
26 I watched you hurtle from the dining-room .
27 I watched you grow with love and concern
28 It it was all cut with a scythe until er well I started I go to Holland to work when I was fourteen and my brother Charlie he got away and my father and mother was left they were home .
29 I saw her go on board .
30 Sandy must be having company , pulled the blind down I think that 's why they 've been good about the parking this week , cos I mean Irene 's pulled her car , we saw Irene pull her car in was you here when she I saw her get in it , it must of been teatime yesterday
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