Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [to-vb] and she " in BNC.

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1 Erm she was in India and I wanted to go and she said a Hindi course at A T R in Zurich .
2 She read to learn and she read to experience .
3 She began to shiver and she felt her heart hammering in anger .
4 She had to go and she had to go and live with them he could n't get married without .
5 Today she had something of her own that she wanted to do and she felt trapped .
6 She wanted to pee and she walked round the house in search of a bush .
7 She wanted to play and she wanted to colour and oh oh
8 She wanted to cry and she imagined the tears flowing down her cheeks and dripping on to her jersey and how he 'd probably say that she should go somewhere else to cry .
9 She knew what she wanted to learn and she knew where it was ; she just had to shovel it all into her head .
10 The pain receded in the warmth of his caresses , and then he began to move and she found herself given over wholly to sensation .
11 She also knew that he liked to boast and she would egg him on shamelessly .
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