Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [to-vb] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Since the set has two transmitter power settings , 1.6W and 5.0W output power , I had hoped to find that the higher power setting would overcome by 1.5W KX99 's main failing — its inability to talk to ground stations farther that about 10nm away ; but according to the controllers I tried to speak to using both hand-helds in turn , there was only a very marginal difference between the King and the ICOM unit on either of its power settings .
2 Jean had n't long passed her driving test and I tried to help by pointing out when she should be moving up through the gears .
3 My brother Frankie and sister Liza were a little older than I was , so perhaps it was for this reason that I seemed to end up doing most of the chores .
4 I came to recover from calling at Langley Dene .
5 I came to apologise for upsetting you . ’
6 I came to apologise for hitting you , ’ she began determinedly , ‘ and to thank you for the cheque . ’
7 The first thing to do is to rephrase the question that everyone asks themselves , not ‘ what would I like to grow , what do I want to grow ? ’ but ‘ what do I have space for , and how much time am I prepared to devote to looking after what I plant ? ’
8 When I began to talk about getting a job she said , first , ‘ Do you really want one , dear ?
9 And for the first time I began to think of rewriting Peter Pan in a fresh and different way .
10 All this begging for money was time-consuming and degrading so I decided to concentrate on finding work .
11 I did n't mean to become so intense about it — I had realised my mistake the previous time — but I needed to keep from pining and working a sixteen-hour day seemed to be the only way I could manage it .
12 ‘ Sorry to be a pest , ’ Travis apologised , ‘ but I saw you come back without Naylor , ’ and while Leith was rapidly trying to find an excuse for her return to the house without the man everyone knew she had gone walking with , she found that Travis was too involved with his own miseries to want to delve into hers , for he went on , ‘ I 've been sitting in the library thinking about Rosemary , and getting more and more uptight about our situation , when you ran in and I started to think about phoning her .
13 I managed to escape by diving into the river .
14 More than sixty years after the event , while watching a child of his own try out his first steps , he suddenly stated in reminiscence and satisfaction to his most intimate Spanish friend , ‘ I remember that I learned to walk by pushing a big tin box of sweet biscuits in front of me because I knew what was inside . ’
15 He kept it private ; I liked to imagine for showing his cronies stag movies , but probably just for men 's talk .
16 I liked to think before saying my lines .
17 When , on the third morning I looked for Athman to say goodbye to him , he was nowhere to be found and I had to leave without seeing him again .
18 Again I had to resort to cutting down her weight , so that she 'd be hungry enough to focus more on the food .
19 If I had to choose between having children and having you , it would have to be you .
20 This was placed on the kitchen floor , illiberally filled with water , and Wendy and I had to choose between going in together or one after the other while , we strongly suspected , Mr Sugden enjoyed a ‘ what-the-butler-saw ’ entertainment of looking through the keyhole .
21 I had to end by saying THIS IS NOT A HOAX .
22 It was a problem to get the camera set up , because I had two classes , one before the other , I had to think about putting it up there and the set up .
23 The most basic error , which I attempted to pinpoint in discussing the sense in which the cries , hoots , and gestures of animals are ‘ primitive forms ’ of language in Chapter 5 , is to confuse the predictive value of the effects of such behaviour with the conscious intent of a speaker to communicate in some way .
24 ‘ After 13 years of it I knew I wanted to go into painting full-time , ’ he said .
25 I felt it and I did n't want to feel it — I wanted to think about going home and facing what I 'd got to face .
26 well not posters , the horsewatch is a prime example where I wanted to look at setting a format in a particular way , and to sit at the side of either Alf or Tracey well now alter it to that or to that I 'm sure they 'd do it , but nevertheless it 's putting them off their work .
27 Dear Steve Racist Liar Prat , your theft of my copyrights and your brief ‘ celebration ’ of your ‘ scoop ’ , which you paraded to your fellow racist crooks at my expense , has been noted and you shall be , believe me , very sorry that you sought to persist in gloating in your backward , immoral capacity to confect racist lies on the assumption that I shall not be able to retaliate in kind .
28 Nevertheless the memory of his stricken face was somehow disturbing and made her feel guilty — a strange and unpleasant sensation that she tried to banish by taking a final look at her patient .
29 If she tried to experiment by wearing a little more make-up than usual , Bernard would be furious and despatch her upstairs to wipe it all away .
30 She tried to concentrate on driving , she got the car into the slow lane and looked down at her stomach again .
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