Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [noun prp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Both of them regarded Baldwin as an acceptable and agreeable assistant , but not as a great deal more .
2 Unfortunately living in Ireland I do n't see much of the team but I was lucky enough to be in Southampton a few weeks ago to see them beat Southampton about the head a little .
3 I wanted the sugar and rather than wait for the waiter to return or ask this boy to get it , I asked Harvey for the sugar .
4 We paused to watch a hawk hunting above one of the islands which splits the Vltava , and I asked Ladislav about the posters I kept seeing in windows .
5 The following Saturday morning I asked Granpa for a couple of hours off .
6 I asked McIllvanney in a tone of genuine enquiry .
7 Later , over a mug of tea , I asked Mick about the message he had for me .
8 I asked Joe about the heart attack and the changes that it had brought to his life as he settled down for his six hours ' daily practice at the Manor Leisure Club in Yeadon , near Leeds-Bradford Airport .
9 I asked László about the corso : ‘ Yes , it did exist here before the war and now , gradually , it is coming back , along the embankment by the international hotels . ’
10 I asked Michael about the recent success of Benjamin Britten 's opera , Peter Grimes , in Paris .
11 I mean it 's it 's happened and I was ha I was so interested in the subject that I asked Mr for a copy of the report where it goes back in the history and of course it is the history of trading standards and , and so on .
12 So when we came to make the recording in Vienna I asked Strauss through a mutual friend we had at that time if I could use a fuller body of strings in the climaxes .
13 I respected Brando as an actor .
14 I led Karen up a narrow companion-way marked ‘ Crew Only ’ to a constricted quarterdeck partially screened by the lifeboats hanging from their cradles .
15 I met Morag on the step .
16 He says : ‘ I met Kristy through an old boyfriend of hers .
17 You know an and I met Elvis at the chip shop and that stuff , I mean it 's
18 Although I met Theresa on the way back from erm school and she said Alec was at the doctors cos not the way back from school , way back from the library .
19 I 'd been officially blind for five years when I met Pete at the Guide Dog Centre in Wokingham , Berkshire , ’ Andrew Miles explained .
20 All that has happened is that I met Hugo at a party and came to understand that , as well as having friend and spouse , a woman needs the excitement of a lover from time to time : a re-basing , as it were , in the physical : the reincarnation of the carnal self in a body which gets , over the years , far too controlled by spirit and mind .
21 I met Harvey in a restaurant , ’ she mused .
22 I met Jamie in the lounge bar of the Cauldhame Arms for lunch and we sat playing an electronic game over a TV table .
23 I met Susan on the stairs .
24 I met Herman at the FitzGeralds ’ [ the writer Kevin FitzGerald and his wife Janet — the latter had been Herman 's producer on the occasions when he broadcast on Woman 's Hour ] , and he says that there is less of Ivy every time he sees her .
25 Happy couple : ‘ I met Robert in a bar : It was love at first sight ’
26 I met Paula at a party in San Francisco where she lives .
27 I met Kay in a nightclub but did my courting in Woolworth 's where she worked , ’ he says .
28 Our son Mark , 24 , is a researcher at Pebble Mill in Birmingham , and I met Neil through the Beeb .
29 When I met Francis on the first occasion in that throne room , life had not turned sour for him .
30 I met Veronica at the Anglo-Catholic church in putney — St Mark 's .
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