Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [adv] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I had only known , positively though without details , that there was no help and no comfort forthcoming from the source , and that being so I shied away from any mental flashbacks which could only make me more unhappy and ashamed .
2 I argued continually with another angler who swore by 11ft , 1½lb test-curve rods with a poker-like action .
3 That I lived here for many years as a child , that — "
4 I emptied there with all the erm
5 ‘ So I got away with that all right .
6 I am always in my very best spirits , for my heart has been as light as a feather ever since I got away from all that humbug ; and , what is more , I have become fatter .
7 I 'm sorry to report that I behaved rudely at this point .
8 Luckily I learnt early on that whereas I might see there are all sorts of emotional issues that the person grieving could work on , they may well choose not to .
9 I came here for some answers .
10 ’ If you have been attending to it for twenty four years , I came here into this church as a choir boy . ’
11 I came here by many paths .
12 So I came away with this sort of inside information
13 I came away in such a hurry — I 've forgotten . ’
14 This lady was typical of the many I came across at these events .
15 I came across on this trip .
16 Crawford was the first person I came across in all the rambles who immediately saw the historical value of JTR 's records .
17 No I came home at half two today .
18 I speculated endlessly about that welt .
19 I touched earlier on some of the reasons why we find open behaviour in this country so difficult and I believe it is partly to do with emotion .
20 And we 'd gone a roundabout way the last time we were there and I thought oh I 'll give it a go , anyway I walked straight down this road , have a look oh yes , turn up here anyway I , I sort of got me bearings and I thought oh yes it 's just down here he 's in the field just down there .
21 I walked slowly round each vehicle , then peered underneath it , coming out and round and on to the next one .
22 I walked right through that fantastic min .
23 I walked right into that one , I suppose .
24 Livingstone , a 34-year-old PE teacher said : ‘ Kevin and I broke away from another four runners around the halfway mark and I got the measure of him with 200 metres remaining he did n't seem to have anything left .
25 Actually , I talked mostly about that .
26 And when Reggie sent a picture , hand-painted by Joyce , I felt best of all .
27 I tell you ; I felt exactly like that other brilliant fellow must have felt when he discovered penicillin .
28 What had happened to us could not , I thought , have been due entirely to education — not even to the idea that girls develop more quickly than boys to a certain point and then slow down ; but as I still clung loyally to my little world where all clergymen were good , all solicitors honest , and all philosophers and experts different from ordinary people and unquestionably right , I struggled hard against any idea that I might still be wiser than Bertrand Russell in some respects .
29 When it was rephrased , ‘ Do you ever find yourself saying , I wish 1 could do this better or I wish I knew more about that ? ’ it was more easily understood .
30 In future farmers should be encouraged to consider training every time they say to themselves , ‘ I wish I knew more about this ’ or ‘ I wish I could do this better ’ .
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