Example sentences of "[pers pn] [coord] [pers pn] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In this case one could argue that I and Thou automatically imply We , since the two of us are sharing between ourselves the field of discourse .
2 Your Mum 's a , and I fuck her and I slap her and I and she still comes back for more .
3 Her eyes met his and she immediately dropped her gaze , colouring slightly .
4 Oh yeah , yeah but I , I but I just thought so I , so I , so I , so I said to him well I , if it was me I 'd just write back and say thanks , yes I 'll come actually , thank you very much
5 ‘ Master Cook ! ’ he said , ‘ I do n't know what was in that flame pot of yours but it undoubtedly saved the day and many noble lives .
6 The media often presented Jones ' results as supporting those of the two chemists whereas in due course , if not already , his work will be seen as the first refutation of the some of their claims ; his neutrons were orders of magnitude below theirs and he never made any direct measurements of heat .
7 Erm , may I make a comment on neighbourhood watch , I went to er a job the other day , it was a theatre , I was off duty and er I got tapped on the shoulder by my local neighbourhood watch co-ordinator who said , nine months ago I resigned , I wrote a letter to headquarters , I wrote a letter to the divisional commander , and I wrote a letter to the local constable , and nobody 's replied to me and they still keep sending me papers are you gon na get your act together , now I I have brought this up before , we never ever have let a neighbourhood watch scheme lapse , it 's nothing to do with you , this is all before you came
8 ‘ The price tag worried me and I badly wanted to repay the faith Palace had shown in me .
9 As I said , I 'd no idea he was the one who was threatening me and I simply thought I was well shot of him , quite frankly . ’
10 Anyway he fucking pushed me and I fucking pushed him .
11 Then something suddenly occurred to me and I nearly cried with relief .
12 And there 's loads of people round about me and I just went wurgh !
13 ‘ But as soon as we got to the line I realised he was going to keel over with me and I just hopped off in time .
14 It 's me and I just feel it .
15 For the first time ever , my pride got the better of me and I desperately looked round for some means of defending myself .
16 When sleep threatens to take him from me yet another time , I remind Crilly of a line from the film Drugstore Cowboy , in which the heroine says , ‘ You never fuck me and I always have to drive ’ .
17 You know Alec er , Alec comes up and informs me and I always say well Alec how are things , urgh , do you want the good news or bad news first sort of thing
18 People that I have known through the years in the music business always knew where to find me and I never moved address .
19 I suppose it amuses me and I never needed to be amused before , not when he was here to do it .
20 My GP visited me and I still have the drawing he did of the cancer they had found in my kidney .
21 ‘ It was already here when we moved in and to start with I thought it would make the room seem too gloomy , but it 's grown on me and I really like it now , ’ says Mary Jane , who works part-time as a physiotherapist .
22 I needed them as much as they needed me and I happily took the rough with the smooth .
23 The neighbours do n't have nothing to do with me and I only see me mam once a week or so .
24 ‘ A midwife went through it all with me and I actually asked her to reassure me that nothing I was doing could harm my own baby , ’ she remembers .
25 Something changed in me and I suddenly felt very scared , but Keith said do n't worry about a thing , I 'll take care of you .
26 After all those years of being told I was fat , I had the evidence in front of me and I suddenly realised what everyone had been going on about .
27 You 're having some row between yourselves and it 's nothing to do with me and you never want to listen to me and — ’
28 I mean , he had no idea about what possibilities there were for me and he just looked at it as a very , very dodgy profession to want to go into .
29 and he says he 's after me and he just puts his arm round me and then he 's alright after that
30 Running behind him just seemed effortless and when I kicked he did n't go with me and he gradually dropped back as I kept the pace up . ’
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