Example sentences of "[pers pn] [coord] [vb base] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If you ever feel uncomfortable , please tell me or show me the stop sigh .
2 Ushers , magistrates , Clerks of the Court , solicitors , and even the odd judge or barrister now nod affably to me or wish me a good day and more than one defendant , during the break while evidence is being weighted , has asked my ‘ professional ’ opinion as to his chances .
3 The spherical objects are very fragile and must be guided by Steg , to do this he must either nudge them or give them a quick blow ( erm … yes , fair enough — Ed ) .
4 I unlocked the passenger door of the Transit for them but I thought it best not to open it for them or offer them a hand up and in .
5 Crawl out of that little shell of yours and tell me the truth .
6 God is able to take the common in you and me and make it a sacrament of blessing for others .
7 You tape it me and give me the tape and I 'll give you a tape in exchange because I wan na keep it .
8 ‘ Come home with me and give us a concert , ’ said Jarvis .
9 ‘ In that case , perhaps you 'd better just pay off your debt to me and find yourself a job as a salesgirl in some shop .
10 I shall hire Benedict to live with me and leave him the place in my will ! ’
11 would it be possible for me to pay my half of that and the s pay the other half because I 'm not i it it 's really started to worry me and concern me a lot
12 People began to ignore me and call me a ‘ snob ’ behind my back — I admit I was now , I did not understand why .
13 ‘ Would n't it be more sensible to sell your share to me and buy yourself a smaller place ? ’
14 Whereas here , you 're still very busy , but er you have the membership just on your doorstep and you can get to meet them and know them a lot closer than you would when you 're having er a large volume of people filing through your doors in the city centre .
15 You ring them and tell them a tune to them .
16 But he 's , he just really has to get in touch with one of them and tell them the prices .
17 Out players were apoplectic and our secretary , a local bank manager , talked of suing for libel ; but the Captain threw back his head with two guffaws and said of course we 'd play them and show them a thing or two .
18 The butis would no doubt bless them and see them a part of the divine process .
19 A new deep house night opens its doors on Aug 28 at The Podium , but Work has a twist — members can enter their names on a database so that any fellow worker looking for a singer , dancer , or whoever can access them and offer them a job .
20 Privately Captain Simcox hoped the IRA would be a match for the Tans — well , perhaps that was expecting too much — but it would be something if they could put some manners on them and give them a bloody nose now and again .
21 They used take them and give them a drink .
22 ‘ We are working very heavily with them to convert them and give them the business skills they may not have acquired to date , ’ says Mr Smaje .
23 We must consider how to look after them , train them and give them the self-esteem and confidence they deserve .
24 What I am saying most specifically is take all of me — and here of course Gary began the melody on the piano and we all smiled and then she sang , sang her song , and believe me we did all listen to the words that night , we knew that the man who had been attacked was there , and we knew that O and Boy were standing shoulder to shoulder in our midst , we saw them in the centre of the mirror , saw ourselves standing beside them and standing by them and give me a drink now because I had such hopes of a lover of my own on that evening and here I am .
25 I think they either wanted to question you or give you a warning .
26 If you lost a leg they 'd stick a false one on you or give you a set of wheels .
27 ‘ Do you want me to come with you and show you the way out ? ’ offered Endill .
28 " I thought I was going to meet you and tell you the day .
29 The psychological power is eroded because although the community can still disapprove of you and make you an outcast if you defy the hierarchy , beyond the community is the world of English people — an unfriendly world , but it does exist .
30 We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you and wish her a very happy retirement .
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