Example sentences of "[pers pn] [coord] [vb past] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 The disciplinary rules applicable to you and agreed by the Council will be found in the documents referred to in paragraph 3 above .
2 Miss Evans did n't eat with them but stood by the table like a waitress in a restaurant , taking the plates to the sink as soon as they 'd cleared them and sweeping up crumbs round their chairs before they had finished drinking their milk .
3 He motioned an unwilling Adjutant and Sergeant out ahead of him and stood by the open door , frowning so deeply that Clarissa would have followed if Charity had n't risked leaving her defences and staked all on a final devastating attack .
4 Nora endured one day at Thorpe after John had left ; then she decided that to be without him but surrounded by the children , the house , the land — by all they stood to lose and all that would make the loss hurt most — would be intolerable .
5 On one level it is yet another accident , and on a second level it is inevitable , it must be so because it belongs here and nowhere else , as the foreign restaurant bill belongs to a novel about human birds of passage , and as the whistle belongs to a novel , in fact the only late Dostoevsky novel , with no children in it but haunted by the toys of absent innocence and peace : the governor of ‘ our province ’ where these crazy terrible events take place was disappointed in love as a young man and consoled himself by making a paper theatre with curtains , actors , audience , orchestra , conductor — the lot .
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