Example sentences of "[pers pn] [coord] i have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ To the well-deserving Gaius Seius I leave and wish to be granted in addition that neither from him nor from his heirs should be claimed whatever he owes me on the basis of documents or accounts or has borrowed from me or I have guaranteed for him . ’
2 He said : ‘ It 's hard to get clothes to fit me and I have to go to the markets .
3 He said : ‘ I am very grateful to Wedgwood for sponsoring me and I have found the course work to be very valuable in relation to my job .
4 What she and I have seems more like a partnership .
5 And it 's not as if she and I have had to deal with really bad cases — like those men who go regularly for facials .
6 First of all you and I have to agree that is the sort of company that er er you could be involved with er and the other way around .
7 I must go and speak to her , and say goodbye to her , as you and I have arranged . ’
8 Walking means exercise , walking means effort , you and I have to do something to keep ourselves spiritually awake , going back to our illustration again about the car driver on the motorway , you find yourself after so many miles just dozing off because the road is so straight , not much traffic around , not much to think about apart from the countryside that goes by and you 're there foot on the accelerator , no braking , no gear changing , nothing at all and you get to the point where you 're driving one-handed by the thing , that 's the time when you get so relaxed is n't it ?
9 There are one or two things you and I have to settle . ’
10 It 's our duty , and you and I have done it .
11 ‘ Although you and I have done pretty well , have n't we , darling ? ’
12 Rather than take up other points , may I ask people to read what you and I have written and said in our different roles and words .
13 Mr , you and I have debated in the past er in this room er whether or not exceptional circumstances are necessary to define an inset boundary for a village which in the sketch plan of the greenbelt to have been shown as washed over .
14 You and I have known each other a long time .
15 That 's what Ruth the relationship that Ruth enters into with Boaz and that 's the relationship that you and I have entered into with Jesus Christ he is our kinsman redeemer and he 's rescued us he 's taken us .
16 You and I have had a great time over the last 32 years … most of the time .
17 It 's not just an event in history two thousand years ago , something that happened way back i in a back water of the Roman empire , that 's not the really important issue for you and for me today it 's , the important thing is that you and I have to stand in that same place that Pilate stood and we have to make that same decision , what will I do then with Jesus that is called the Christ ?
18 You and I have got a job , as Christians , to help to point people to the right way , narrow and difficult though it may seem to be .
19 You and I have got some serious talking to do — I 'm not about to let the director have things all his own way where make-up 's concerned .
20 ‘ No , Seb , you hid them well — but you and I have talked a lot about Anna .
21 Again , this I have n't got an example to show you but I have seen one of these that 's caught fire and the only reason it 's caught fire is because this total piece of equipment is only capable of taking a maximum of thirteen amps .
22 I am writing hurriedly to you but I have thought it right to apprize you of this …
23 This prospect is pleasing to me but I have seen Mr Landor and confess myself alarmed .
24 She 's really beginning to annoy me but I have to get the job done : I just want to go back downstairs .
25 Tommy Gilmour , Clinton 's manager , said last night : ‘ Pat had tried to go through the pain barrier and keep his injury from me but I have taken the decision to withdraw him after consultation with an orthopaedic surgeon . ’
26 John began the season better than me but I have fought to catch up .
27 I do not rightly understand how the medical men could not save him after the accident since you say the cut seemed small and did not appear to trouble him but I have heard that for the blood to be poisoned it takes only a pin-prick and that a cut where there is manure about can have this effect if not noticed .
28 The erm er on the television last night there was a programme about the fifties that actually I did n't see it but I taped it and I have seen it this morning er
29 So in your groups now I appreciate it and I have asked .
30 ‘ Other residents are fine about it and I have collected a petition to support our appeal . ’
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