Example sentences of "[pers pn] [coord] [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , it is not for me or you to presume upon the gentleman 's intentions .
2 Get off you do n't climb on people 's chairs you sit on them or you play on the floor
3 And er I think i we thought from that well why not set up a women 's support group and er see what the reaction was really from from the women you know and an I and we said in that lodge meeting will you ask everybody all the women that you know that er are involved , the friends the girlfriends and wives , to come along the next Tuesday and we 'd have a meeting of our own .
4 I and I took to Connor 's Quay as a sailing ship and I and then of course I had n't been much in sailing ships .
5 Now , I and I went to other day , I was having quite bad headaches from the back of my eyes , feeling like , you know , I had pressure there , and so , I think it was just headaches but I wanted to go and check it out , and I went to the , cos my dad said oh if you go to the opticians erm , they give you free checks as you 've got glaucoma in the family , and erm , or glaucoma , or whatever you call it .
6 No and we had another man I and I cried to him , What do you call him again ?
7 And I and I run to the door and you 'd just drove off .
8 While phenomenology can describe in philosophical terms the impossibility of entering another person 's mind , language , memory , value-system , Shakespeare 's sonnets long ago grasped the point that I and You communicate with each other from essentially separate positions .
9 Well if you 'd have seen that I mean I and she sleeps in the airing cupboard she 's now started to get in there , but she 's half out on the landing .
10 Her arms crept around his neck , her lips softened and parted beneath his and she slid into a world of sensation so subtle and exquisite that it was almost too much to bear .
11 I but I believe in telepathy .
12 They would perhaps like to buy it , but they ca n't sell their property and also if they can sell theirs and they look at the cost of the property and they work out how much they 've got to pay for the mortgage then they find they ca n't afford it .
13 that 's what I said to ya and you agreed with me , that 's why I got it it 's inch and half thick er wide , by half inch thick , it 's under there .
14 And er I I you are going to be in thee and I going to thee in you .
15 The confusion between what belongs to me and what belongs to you ( in emotional terms ) goes on throughout life .
16 Oh , the night before me and we went to bed , had a lovely night and then last night we could n't last .
17 ‘ Stan called me and we met for a chat at his home .
18 Well I gave him all the information that had been given to me and we discussed between us various options that were open to us .
19 Surkov and Rozanov , escaping from admirers , joined me and we headed for the exit .
20 He hugs me and we fumble through the rest of a dull interview .
21 I went down and the guy there started talking to me and we talked for five hours about life , about the reality of life , the reality of desires and goals and all that good stuff .
22 I made four locks for the gates on Lord 's cricket ground er and when I 'm telling you this , and practically without exception , they must 've er got to know me and they come for what they wanted .
23 and they were very good to me and they kept in touch with me
24 It 's bad enough at first but then it gets worse even as they keep me because they found more , they found two more and that was while I was here for Christ 's sake while they held me while things were still happening more stuff came in while they were questioning me and they looked at me with disbelief horror disgust and I was going What ?
25 ‘ The guards , they showed the paper to me and they pointed at the photograph and said : ‘ He is with us ’ . ’
26 ‘ He was a sort of out-front version of me and I identified with what he did a lot .
27 He slaps me and I swear at him , growling now , guttural .
28 Robin , er William was at school , one year behind me and I played with him , but Bill was n't very er big .
29 So people looked at me and I ran after them .
30 I mean I think it 's the class thing as well really , because I can remember when I was erm leaving school erm and I went to the careers erm teacher for my interview and I said I 'd like to be a journalist and she looked at me and I came from a very poor working class background in Tottenham , and she said ‘ I 'm sure you could be a secretary or a shorthand typist if you really tried ’ .
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