Example sentences of "[pers pn] [coord] [pron] were [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I never fed them or they were to look after themselves .
2 It 's when I , when I went to Poland it 's not two or three years , it was nineteen seventy three and I was , I was just coming in into the church and the one Witness was with me and we were going in er big town like Cracow , you know , we were going one way and there was a couple coming erm to meet us like you know in , in , in , on the road , and he was just wearing erm jeans and no shirt , but erm a big , big wooden cross on his chest just reaching really across his chest a wooden cross and then erm a safety pin in his nose and three safety pins attached to one another through his ears and this Witness with me walking down , she says just look at this couple and the girl was , wore the same dress she , she had the top on , you know , but again all sort of queer looking and she , this Witness with me , with me so , she said just look at the two that 's er coming aga to meet us and I said yes and I looked and I said look at the cross and she says yes , it used to be , they used to hang the criminals on the crosses and now the crosses hang on the criminals is n't that lovely , and now the cross is er all the criminals instead of the cross , oh yes
3 If it 'd been me and I were gon na put it there , I would have put a window there to look out of .
4 An aunt had been named as the testamentary guardian of the children but , through no fault of hers , was unable to care for them and they were received into the care of the local authority .
5 And so , as predicted , two buckets of pigs blood were poured over the two of them and they were received by hysterical laughter .
6 They they began laying their hands on them and they were receiving the Holy Spirit .
7 The apostles came down to Somaria , they laid hands on them and they were receiving the Holy Spirit .
8 When sa , they began laying hands on them and they were receiving the Holy Spirit .
9 And so we see there in verse seventeen , that they began laying their hands on them and they were receiving the Holy Spirit .
10 Soon Paige could hear it too — there were people climbing up towards them and they were getting closer by the second .
11 But when he did nothing to help them and they were defeated by troops loyal to Saddam , they decided the West no longer supported them .
12 The buyer failed to collect them and they were stolen from the seller 's warehouse .
13 The Royal Navy has great confidence in them and they were chosen for their quality , flexibility and efficiency .
14 Maybe it was close behind them and they were embarking on a long exhausting journey all the way around the Waste to reach what was near at their backs .
15 If you or I were to mix mud and water and place it in the same position it would fall off .
16 She had just come in , having staggered round with the dogs , and she and they were covered with ‘ sweethearts ’ as the locals accurately called burrs — hard to get rid of .
17 I heard from that she and you were trying to find a copy of the Style Sheet for the Quirk volume for .
18 Since I was unprepared , lacking a condom , she and I were endangered from two directions in another sense also : from disease ( for we were strangers to each other ) , and from a pregnancy desired by neither of us .
19 I had so far managed to avoid being kissed by the old bat , but I had the strong feeling that , by the end of the day , she and I were going to be getting physical .
20 The only person that she spoke to on the whole crossing was a young man who fell on top of her as she and he were going down the stairs : he was following her , two steps behind , when the boat gave a violent lurch and he missed his footing and crashed into her , and she too missed her footing , and they both sat down together upon the stairs .
21 I say talk of the devil , I was just say Mrs thought you and her were gon na get together .
22 how old he was , Nicodemus was born physically just the same as you and I were born physically .
23 You know , I sometimes feel as if you and I were connected by a string tying our two hearts together , and if you went to Ireland , I think that string might break and I might bleed to death . ’
24 Whereas when you and I were buying houses it was oh it 's a long process and it ca n't be hurried .
25 If you and I were doing it you you 'd think about a lot
26 If you and I were working for an organization which gave say half a million to charity , our , I mean correct me if I 'm wrong , but I , I 'm sure our temptation would be to say how can we promote this giving in the media in order , let's be honest about it , to make our , us look good , partly that would be it .
27 Suppose you and I were playing against each other , and suppose we both knew that the number of rounds in the game was to be exactly 100 .
28 Is that if we took you on if we if we agreed that it my postal wallets might be a good idea for you and you were to delay coming into the er into the company by a week , it could change which company you go into .
29 Oh , I said have I lost you and you were going
30 They could no longer hang or burn them but they were expelled from the church and all its sacraments and services , which at that time was a very severe punishment
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