Example sentences of "[pers pn] [coord] [verb] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Then come with me and pick up the latest reports .
2 I let him work the slot screen for me and point out the sights .
3 A military judge came to see me and read out the charges — I had been accused of stealing a car .
4 ‘ You 'll all have to do the same as me and put down the date and see , but if yer want ter know it 's the first of May . ’
5 The first contains a few records , so collect them and slide down the ice into the water , this is extremely easy so just use the map to reach the room containing the concert poster , records and a ‘ ? ’ ( worth 50 points ) , grab 'em all and move up to the extra life , then to the ladder and get the heart if you need it , walk right , go up the ladder and down the other side , pick up the crate and jump into the water .
6 So Angus got up on to the rock and held his fist high and told young McCulloch to stand the hostages on a knoll where everyone could see them and called out the oath above the drone of the pipe : ‘ We do swear — never to swerve — from our present path — till we have cleansed the country — of this oppressive Act .
7 Dzerzhinsky wrote that the swifter exchange of goods would help to reduce taxes levied on the peasants and so mollify them and speed up the realization of smychka between town and country ; but towards the end of the year he admitted in a resigned tone : ‘ Can such a huge enterprise like transport really change in a moment , can people really be regenerated at once ?
8 Make a list of them and tick off the ones that you see during spring .
9 When the horses , being bridled to lead them to safety , panicked and lashed out in the dark , threatening to do worse harm to the buildings than the wind would , it was his father who forced his way between them and dragged out the pair who were causing most trouble .
10 So that night , at the disco they told them and at last they believed them and sorted out the magazine thing and changed the magazine to Mysteries from Around the World .
11 They knew that in another day or two they would not even have to charge the ramparts ; they would merely have to step over them and kill off the garrison as they pleased .
12 It was not difficult to find their way , for the faint glow of the many camp-fires guided them and showed up the loom of the burgh 's buildings .
13 She opened them and threw back the shutters , letting light flood in .
14 They brought in the horses , hobbled them and built up the fire .
15 Guido slipped an arm around her and bent to kiss her , then reached out suddenly to the stone urn beside them and pulled off the stem of a red geranium .
16 Now make a circle with your head , let it drop onto your chest , roll the head over the left shoulder , let it drop behind you and roll over the right shoulder and back onto the chest .
17 After all , it was join him or prop up the door for a few hours .
18 She swung away from him and stared out the side window .
19 But I felt I could not lose him and hung on the hour-and-a-half walk firing the occasional question like a lifeline , till he succumbed to a conversation about the war poets : ‘ like old beggars under sacks … we cursed through sludge … ’
20 She wrinkled her nose at him and topped up the reservoir .
21 It shook slightly as he scribbled an address , then pushed the serviette across the table , his body slowly relaxing as Ward let go of him and picked up the serviette .
22 The band saw him and picked up the rhythm .
23 Meg pushed past him and jumped down the four steps in her haste .
24 One by one , people come up to him and jump over the stick or crawl under it .
25 Barry was unable to give the police a description of his assailant as he was always behind him and ripped out the mirror from his car before they drove to Perry 's .
26 I thanked him and tore up the prescription at the door .
27 When this bizarre situation had resolved itself , as it must , she would put her Venetian adventure behind her and take up the threads of her life once more .
28 Emily drew a sheet of writing paper towards her and picking up the pen began to write …
29 But the soft messages in the air still come to her and flick around the bones of her long-vanished ears , for she can not set limits on her powers , neither then nor now .
30 She was reacting to the soft note in his voice , letting it wash over her and slow down the beat of her heart .
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