Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] get back [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I eventually got back to the switchboard and asked for the neurosurgical bed manager .
2 I had n't really sorted anything out socially or whatever and so I just got back into it .
3 I 'ad to hit him with an ornament , and when his fam'ly got back from church 'is wife asked him what 'ad happened to his face .
4 After quite a lot of persuasion and promises of chocolate bars , I finally got back into my canoe and headed off down the river to find my paddle and the rest of the group .
5 I got bowled over twice and lost sight of Greg completely , but when I finally got back alongside him at the green he was really excited .
6 Er now unfortunately I 'm away next week , so if if the message does n't get to me before I 've gone , it 'll be the week after that I then get back to Mrs .
7 Right , let me just get back to Marge is on her own .
8 It had been a few years since I 'd ridden a bike but it 's like sex , providing you do n't fall off , you soon get back into the swing of it .
9 We eventually got back to our campsite at around 5.00pm .
10 Apart from LCpl Smith , and my driver ( I have my own Land-Rover ) , the Adjutant is really the one I work most closely with ; we always seem to take part in the same parades , but we usually get back to barracks first , leaving the officers and men on guard .
11 We were , too — at least , the two nearside wheels were , but being the middle of the night there was a fortunate scarcity of pedestrians , and we quickly got back onto the road without disaster .
12 United Airlines and American Airlines I 've been told are n't really all that good to fly with , mate of ours went up to the airport to pick his parents up , they just got back from a holiday in and er they flew and a , on a seven hour journey , where ever it was they come from , they did n't have any food , no food , nothing , what they done is they , they , they 'd taken a container off , but they had n't put a new one on .
13 If for no other reason , he 'll probably meet her just to get back at me . ’
14 To their surprise , the Spanish have found that they now get back from Brussels scarcely more than they put in .
15 ‘ We offered TSL a live feed for the US market at a cost of $1,000 per show , but they never got back to us ’ , said McEwan .
16 There was no announcement made at the end of the programme so , and they never got back to me , so I rang this morning first thing and last night they did n't ask me my name and address , but this morning they did .
17 At first they talked easily about David 's chances of demobilisation , and the kind of law he would practise when he eventually got back to London , and his prospects of fighting a reasonably safe seat at the next General Election , but inevitably that led on to Julia 's plans .
18 As I have heard from his crew , he baled out when he eventually got back to the south coast of England .
19 Seeing Alice 's commenting face , Muriel said swiftly , " But he only got back at three this morning , and those Channel boats …
20 Sounds as if he was doing it deliberately to get back at her , does n't it ?
21 Did he ever get back with her ?
22 Did he ever get back with her ?
23 He never got back until Saturday night . ’
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