Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [vb base] these [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Mr MacConachie insists : ‘ I only do these things if they are after hours .
2 I just hope these bags
3 Being an avid reader and buyer for years , I have come to recognise ‘ shop numbers ’ and the ‘ mini dealers ’ , so I usually ignore these ads !
4 Certainly , the activities do focus concentration and energy , but I also use these activities diagnostically , to give myself time and space to assess the class , to learn about their social health ; they help me feel comfortable with the class , and that is important .
5 Right at the outset , perhaps we can read a verse from one Timo , er two Timothy , chapter one and verse twelve and Paul says there , he 's come almost to the end of his life , he 's , he will shortly be , taken out and will be executed and he says , for this reason I also suffer these things .
6 I often remark these days how the roles of the sexes have been reversed . ’
7 The shelves , I quite like these shelves they 're nice !
8 erm I agree , and I actually think these figures are relatively crude , but I mean , there is , clearly there are correlations between low income , which most I mean unemployed people have of course got , and ill health .
9 I never have these offers down there !
10 I never notice these days . ’
11 I just hate lying , when you suddenly hear these things come down on , just have visions of like a a po pouring out .
12 In a couple of years time the other schools have gone past you and you suddenly find these services that you need to buy in are become very expensive and become unattainable because you 've been spending your money in other directions .
13 As an owner you generally know these symptoms or will have taken veterinary advice .
14 well you just catch these things , no she did n't got to Madge 's when they got the
15 As long as you still think these thoughts you will continue to believe them and you wo n't succeed .
16 In a broad valley like this you inevitably get these S-bends , and this was the biggest one .
17 You never catch these brutes .
18 You never know these days .
19 Yes , there were still four wheels ( well , you never know these days ) and , just as I thought , the interior was littered with sodding confetti .
20 Well hire a car , cos it 's a lovely island and you , you never find these places unless you have a car to , sort of go around .
21 When you actually abolish these things , you ca n't expect behaviour to be totally unchanged .
22 How we live is inescapably linked to what we think about our origin and our destiny , even if we only discuss these mysteries late at night in the company of a few friends .
23 He said ‘ We deeply regret these incidents which have occurred against the background of significantly improving performance . ’
24 We now consider these criticisms .
25 We now watch these matters unfold , from a new seat at the ringside .
26 We now extend these concepts to combine the process of crystallization with the phenomena observed in the experiments , using inert particles to provide a general mechanism of layering ( Fig.1 ) .
27 We firmly believe these powers must now be used to introduce a new regime based on the Polluter Pays Principle .
28 One of the few areas that we sell out on most match days , and there 's facilities for men and women and we actively develop these areas .
29 We never use these drawers , if he 'd put the light on instead of feeling around in the dark he 'd have found that out immediately . ’
30 These otherwise humble humans are almost totally deaf ( well , they can hear after a fashion and even utter a few ponderously slow , deep drawling growls , but they only use these sounds for rudimentary purposes like communicating with each other ; they do n't seem capable of using them to detect even the most massive objects ) .
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