Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [vb past] another [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So I just got another bucket , threw it over her head , stuck the hose up her jumper , believe , she had to go home .
2 I soon met another neighbour of Sir Henry 's .
3 I then made another mistake .
4 I then took another taxi .
5 I then had another operation , this time for my back where a piece of my spine was removed and a piece of metal inserted .
6 I then had another section to study , one cut at Viroconium ( Wroxeter ) .
7 I then tried another shareware firm who said they could send me registered copies for £40.50 .
8 I was just about to ask him about the horse — and I never got another chance afterwards .
9 In more than one case , I never heard another word .
10 I never wrote another word .
11 I never had another bite .
12 It was when he attempted to argue , ‘ I would n't be bothered if I never had another ride in the National , ’ that he began to give himself away .
13 She badly needed another drink but Maxim had n't finished his first yet .
14 And then you just got another pair and you put another pair like that until you had five .
15 By anybody 's reckoning , she still had another week in which to go through agonies about it .
16 Then she carefully nicked another hole in her red fishnet stockings and , once on the pavement , readjusted the seams so they were nicely crooked .
17 She carefully traced another word , pressing quite hard .
18 In January she clearly needed another break and she was off skiing in Klosters .
19 In 1937 she also did another season of variety , for which she always insisted on having her material specially written .
20 She also outlined another misconception that could explain the suspicion research nurses often encounter among other nurses .
21 She felt the sting of treacherous tears , her enemy in these past few months , lurking , waiting to consume her , and she hastily took another mouthful from the bottle , biting her lips , slightly numb from cold and champagne , to stop the tears spilling down her cheeks and overwhelming her completely .
22 Would you mind if you never made another movie again ?
23 In fact we 've just refused er the application er to change the use of that site to housing , or some of that site to housing , er for the very reason that we want to keep it in employment use and at the same meeting we also refused another site , another major employment site , erm and we want to keep that in employment use as well .
24 All the optimism of the summer had evaporated , and we now faced another winter and Christmas without our families in this cold hole in the ground .
25 So I 've done all this , I 'm quite a handyman in the house , so we talked about it at the cen at the centre here and we actually asked another guy to do it , who 's erm sixty odd and he comes in here everyday er and he was willing to start it or to run it .
26 I find that the minute I write down , erm , you know , somebody phones me and says I want another meeting with you , let's make it for next Friday at three o'clock in the afternoon , and I find within half an hour of me writing that down on the calendar card in ink , er , the people who 's parentage I then start to question , phone back and say well whoops , you know we , we forgot we actually had another meeting then , and so on and so forth .
27 We never had another bite .
28 Steam sprinklers were introduced and on the first day of their operation , they successfully doused another fire that would have probably removed the remainder of the factory had it taken hold .
29 girls they go shopping like but they always got another carrier did n't they until they got sold and then when er they 're on the next road from their house like take the carrier and it 's all for her .
30 He already had another robbery conviction against him , the court was told .
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