Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [modal v] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Two o'clock and I always used to leave work and take him out for an hour .
2 I always used to eat paper man , paper you could eat .
3 I hardly dare mention traffic calming but it does seem to be the flavour of of the month at the moment but to see that the existing work doubled by and I know it 's going to cost the county erm this but if you do n't want to talk about the children and their crime it is er traffic calming it certainly is a and I do believe
4 I thought , I really must stop spending money .
5 I really must get Dad here ’ — I hissed those two words — ‘ to get me an old car I could drive on the sands . ’
6 At one point in episode three Blackeyes actually says ; ‘ Funny is n't it , I never used to like tea . ’
7 I never used to read poetry at all but I 've just found out that it says all the things I 've often felt but never been able to express .
8 I never could understand electricity : it bites you .
9 I NEVER could understand economics .
10 Second , Iago 's terrible silence once his deceptions have been exposed : ‘ Demand me nothing , what you know , you know , /From this time forth I never will speak word ’ ( V.ii.304f. ) : this refusal of language is the logical outcome of the destructive egoism with which Iago has put himself outside , and in his own eyes above , society .
11 Perfect competition , a market structure in which there are so many buyers and sellers that no one of them individually can affect price , provides the theoretical conditions under which the market will allocate resources optimally .
12 If you were wise at the time , you will have had a second report bound up and filed , containing every fact used , every reference studied , all the results of tests , every reason you had in mind when you drew your conclusions — and you alone will have access to these private notes .
13 I I could never I never knew anybody personally because er you know you just used to go work and then go home and that was it .
14 And erm one of the girls that was on there became a very very famous soprano in the country , erm Connie Shackelock you 've probably not heard of her , she 's sort of a bit before your time but er she always used to sing Land of Hope and Glory on the last night of the Proms a few years ago .
15 Look at 15:26,27 : ‘ He will bear witness to me … and you also will bear witness . ’
16 And then , free of his grip , she recovered her courage and her gallant spirit to say to him , ‘ And you really ought to stop drinking .
17 As a Radio Rentals ' customer you really can enjoy freedom of choice and total flexibility .
18 I said , ‘ Richard — you have a good voice — you really should stop smoking .
19 Is the Prime Minister , who 's role in this affair is so crucial , that she simply must take part in the debate which we hope to have in this House ; why does she not admit it .
20 So you too would assume quoick transformation we 've got a geometric progression in here that goes off to infinity alright which is equivalent to that , that little thing alright , we 've got three parameters here this one , that one and that one , alright , so we converted what is an infinite stream into a finite stream using this er , quoick transformation .
21 You too can read news about a week before it is printed in paper journals !
22 The zero foods experiment will help you discover if you too can gain relief .
23 You too can find love
24 You too can find love
25 You too can play rugby in September when we will be featuring Gavin 's jumper .
26 If you absolutely must have sugar on cereal try to limit yourself to about one teaspoonful .
27 Perhaps the Doctor suspected she too might have evidence against him , and killed her .
28 If the issue today in some people 's eyes is the need for this community in Greater York to be one hundred percent self sufficient then perhaps we really ought to go pack up and er go home , er because there 's no way that er a settlement that one could envisage in Greater York or perhaps anywhere else can be a hundred percent self sufficiency , self sufficient , you 're not going to get a shopping mall , you 'd be unlikely to get a a major touring theatre , so you can not aim for a hundred percent self sufficiency , you aim for what is appropriate for the size of the community and particularly its relationship to existing settlements er in the general area .
29 I feel strongly that if the library and information profession is to play a significant role in the handling of information within business ( and other ) organisations , we really must stop pussy-footing around with weak half-baked notions !
30 Apart from Manuela — we really must find time for a word or two about Manuela soon — I 've never got any mileage out of hurting women .
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