Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [verb] more [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In all my life there have been very few occasions when I badly wanted more money and that was one of them , because on my wage of three shillings a day as an AC2 I was unable to drape her with expensive clothes .
2 I badly needed more money , so the take-over could not come too quickly as far as I was concerned .
3 I only wish more complaints were as easily dealt with as this .
4 I just think more people in the media should take the initiative to bring the public 's attention to these problems , ’ Dmitry finally exclaims. ‘ that 's what the media 's for .
5 But I still had more room than I needed in that so that was quite useful .
6 ‘ But I still need more money than I 'm earning , to look after Josh . ’
7 I feebly pushed more wood on my fire to make a brighter blaze .
8 Here in America I perform a lot in Las Vegas and Atlantic City and I probably make more money today than I ever did when I was selling a lot of records as a teenage idol .
9 I think I probably have more knowledge of the really important things that give a person dignity than … ’
10 I probably hit more people than him but I 'm a fairer player than he is .
11 I also need more ground clearance .
12 Journalistically , I now had more status in the little Gazette office .
13 It is very difficult to cover all the possible eventualities in the forty-odd hours of the PPL course , but I now spend more time teaching emergencies connected with power reductions .
14 I really believe more people should learn how to give mouth-to-mouth .
15 I never made more friends as easily as when I was among people whose language I spoke badly and who barely spoke mine at all .
16 I certainly felt more empathy for my mother and what she had been through .
17 This bowl mean these men and me already make more money today than three months of growing rice .
18 If yu do n't hav money yu just watch more TV ,
19 One of Murphy 's Laws states that if the statistics do n't prove your point then you obviously need more statistics !
20 You only need more patience to unravel a complexly worded question , not necessarily more ability .
21 On the other hand , he wrote , if you do n't see this clearly at the start you only produce more crap and there 's enough in the world already .
22 As a result , she unhappily munches more candy bars — and that 's how wise old-timer Ninny Threadgood finds her when Evelyn visits a relative at Ninny 's retirement home .
23 You just take more time over it .
24 If you still need more information , write to the Secretary of the Local government Group at the Law Society , 50 Chancery Lane , London WC2A 1SX .
25 You usually get more money to pilot something you see
26 You also get more control and benefit from local bank contacts as well .
27 You also get more data type options , including — at long last — memo fields that can hold lots of freeform text , and BLOBs ( Binary Large Objects ) , which are any type of binary data , including graphics , scanned images , spreadsheets , sound or video files .
28 Even when she later encountered more difficulties , she tried all sorts of positions , but never changed her grip on the hammer .
29 'Cos you probably do more things .
30 Perhaps she even makes more errors in a test than in continuous writing , because not having any context for the words , she is unable to check them for meaning when she reads them over .
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