Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [adj] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Postcards are labour-intensive , difficult to maintain and staff may find them intensely irritating to serve to customers , but to be able to generate over 20% of total sales from less than 10% of floor space , gives a turnover per square foot that most of us can only dream of .
2 I 'm sorry it 's taken me so long to write to you .
3 Political considerations may have made them less inclined to return to China , but it was generally not a major reason for leaving in the first place .
4 I still occasional refer to these especially when I need a ‘ refresher ’ so well expressed by Veal in his unique manner .
5 You presumably all listen to radio , watch television and so on .
6 " Crist see well she shuld haue be dampned for synne " so he appeared to her in her sleep , wounded as in his Passion , and told her to put her hand into his side and even to feel his internal organs and heart , commenting that if he is thus open with her , why is she so ashamed to reveal to him the secrets of her heart ?
7 And , her tone suddenly changing completely , ‘ Would it really hurt you so much to pretend to be me for an hour ? ’ she asked mournfully .
8 Muss-juss-gair-nah-dring : I find you too boring to talk to .
9 It 's taken you too long to come to terms with Mark 's death — Anne told me a little of how it 's been with you , the way you 've fought the grief and sorrow . ’
10 And er then er we had er a tutor who was very , very keen and we nearly all went to er the Spanish Civil War , and we took er the er paper for ages , erm and er But one of the group did go , Frank from , went , but the were always Communist , they never claimed to be Labour .
11 BELVILLE : I would have it tomorrow , being Monday , for on a Monday seven weeks ago , I planned to carry her off and on a Monday I wrote the letter which prevailed on her so kindly to return to me .
12 ‘ I just find her so difficult to talk to .
13 They just all happened to be in Washington at the same time .
14 One strange thing about her books is that they nearly all tend to be set a little bit back in the past , so that the position of the women that she is describing and the society in which she is describing them is n't quite what 's actually going on a the time she 's writing .
15 The presbyterie after dealing with her and finding her grossly ignorant recommends to Mr David Simpson her minister to instruct her privately and afterwards to rebuke her publickly .
16 The presbyterie after dealing with her and finding her grossly ignorant recommends to Mr David Simpson her minister to instruct her privately and afterwards to rebuke her publickly .
17 So , is n't it rather difficult to adapt to what must seem like some of the trivial aches and pains suffered by his patients in England ?
18 Why do I find it so hard to stick to ?
19 It must now face the imperial impotence that Britain has found it so difficult to adapt to .
20 He does not see what he so much wants to , the snow leopard , though he sees the evidence of its being which is , curiously , sufficient for him , despite his disappointment .
21 They naturally find it much easier to take to an in-law of the opposite sex .
22 Er there come any rain , it just all come to the top .
23 Instead of taking the cases to the police , as he should have done and as any other hon. Member would have done , and certainly to the Home Office Minister , he found it more appropriate to come to the House and read from The News of the World to get as much publicity for himself as he could .
24 I found it more difficult to talk to him , somewhere he or I had changed .
25 For example , the mobility of the evidence of pollution renders it potentially visible to a number of possible reporters but at the same time makes it more difficult to trace to its origin .
26 Thereafter , someone had decided to make it well-nigh impossible to get to Ulm from Messkirch and had constructed an obstacle course of road-works , diversions , traffic jams and misplaced signposts which did my temper no good at all in the sweltering heat .
27 I found it supremely restful to talk to her , and when we finally parted I told her I hoped we might see each other again some time .
28 For an informal agreement to be effective , both parties must regard it as worthwhile to stick to their part of it , even though the agreement may not be legally enforceable .
29 Is n't it perfectly reasonable to react to having addictive disease in the family ?
30 Old , compressed cultures such as this can be notably cohesive and resilient , but they can find it increasingly difficult to adapt to radical , as distinct from incremental , changes .
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