Example sentences of "[pers pn] [pers pn] [vb mod] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Sir , If you please to send me a scarlet Cardinal [ a short red cloak ] , and let it be full yard long , and rather longer than a yard long , and let it be full , for it be for a large Woman , they tell me I may have a long one , and a handsome one , for 11s but I shou 'd not be willing to give more than 12s , but if you have any as long as that , either duffil or cloth , if it is cheaper , I shou 'd like it as well as , for I am not to give but 12s for it .
2 if it was me I 'd draw a thick trunk and lots of lines come out from it .
3 Annie told me I 'd get a bike for Christmas — a red one with a basket .
4 This told me I could have a flight to America , if I was quick , a copy of Flight Stimulator too !
5 From where I was standing , far below me I could see a separate miniature fort linked to the mother fortress by an umbilical causeway .
6 A policeman told me I should pay a policeman to escort me to a taxi . ’
7 Econometrics appears to help in determining budgets , and in the deployment of media expenditure — but when an econometrician tells me I should adopt a ‘ drip ’ pattern on TV rather than a ‘ burst ’ pattern ( see page 115 ) , I want to know why .
8 ‘ She told me I should find a rich girlfriend .
9 So I was determined to show them I could take a joke and the next time a big stork went over I pretended not to know what it was called and asked my girl .
10 He was speaking to someone and beyond them I could see a brightly lit room with vast chandeliers and women in white dresses .
11 It spoils them dear , you should n't throw them I can smell a smell
12 I I I 'll have a look at the question .
13 He wanted me have a go , but I 'm not no I I 'll have a go another time when it 's quiet , not when there 's be been showing me .
14 Helena , I do n't really know how to put this but I I 'll have a go .
15 Yeah , but I I 'll have a
16 I gu my guess is if I ask the audience I I may get an answer I do n't like here .
17 I I would buy a bubble-jet .
18 I I would climb a tree where
19 I I I 'd take a drop of a hundred , yeah .
20 I I can fill a whole tape
21 I think yours I 'd make a lovely picture
22 In me you will have a second unless you agree that we go tomorrow into the city and lay the entire matter before the syndics .
23 ‘ Strikes me you 'd look a treat yourself riding bareback at a circus . ’
24 I ca n't play one personally but I do have a lady in my band who 's who can , very very good accordion player who assures me she can play a zither as well you see .
25 ‘ One woman told me she used to have a great view from her window across a local park .
26 If you buy your engagement ring from them you will get a 10 per cent discount on your wedding ring or rings .
27 If you make them you can make a waffle with mashed potato
28 If you have to go out to deliberately buy them the chances are that you wo n't but if you buy the occasional packet when you happen to see them you can have a grand time selecting them to effect a change on a sweater at the right time .
29 ‘ Not usually , but as a special favour to you I 'll make an exception this once . ’
30 If you say no , the next time I see you I 'll put a bullet in your back .
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