Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] [noun prp] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As she closed her eyes , she wondered why she had not told them about Ben right from the beginning .
2 Bobby Moore played a thousand games at senior level , 544 of them for West Ham between 1958 and 1973 , then 124 more for Fulham , and won 108 caps for England .
3 The pair celebrated the news yesterday by parading in the lavish costumes specially designed for them for Dick Whittington at the Empire Theatre .
4 ANGRY Darlington dentists will voice their fears over Government plans to reduce the amount it pays them for NHS work in a meeting with the town 's MP tomorrow .
5 I could see it now , like a slow motion film , Mr McNaughton peeling me off Sharon Latimer like peeling chewing gum away from a desktop …
6 Taking her hand warmly in his and tucking it into his pocket , he ordered softly , ‘ Tell me about Elinor Browne with an ‘ E ’ . ’
7 She asked me about Mr Forster on the cruise and I told her about the salt .
8 He tested his first successful model on 27 October , 1815 in Killingworth colliery , two months before Davy tested his at Hebburn colliery on the first day of 1816 .
9 Some of his displays have reminded me of Gerald Davies at his best — and I can give no-one a greater compliment .
10 Not in his normal voice but in a low , throaty baritone that reminded me of Vincent price in The Haunted Palace — my dad 's favourite picture : ‘ Albert Roger Quigley , do you remember me ? ’
11 Green-eyed , bemasked , conjuring up the ten-foot plus boards that could conquer the peaks of Waimea , Ken Bradshaw reminded me of Dr Rotwang in Metropolis instilling his robot with beauty and life .
12 ‘ HE HAS nursed Northern Ireland like a marginal constituency , ’ the Duke of Abercorn remarked to me of Richard Needham in the early hours of Friday morning .
13 And there was a special thank you for Ken Jackson in the form of an original oil painting by local artist Graham Twyford of THORP under construction .
14 Have to tell you about Henry Hall of Hampshire .
15 THOSE of you with Hudson Hawk on ST should type in SANITYCLAWSISCOMINGTOTOWN on the title screen .
16 The next section takes you from Brockhoult Mount to Cinderfield Wood .
17 Hardraw is a good starting point for Shunner Fell and Lovely Seat , the two hills that flank the famous Butter Tubs Pass , and is known to many who have walked the Pennine Way as either the end or the beginning of the day that takes you from Tan Hill to Hawes or vice versa , depending on which direction you are walking .
18 While still leafing through the statements he turned to Sara : ‘ We have a witness who claims to have seen you in Alexandra Road after eleven on Saturday night , and you may know that a woman was seen going in by the back door of this house at half-past . ’
19 I 'll meet you on Monday morning at ten o'clock on the bridge just outside town .
20 Unless … ’ her voice dropped lower , ‘ you get me to take you to La Lavandaia to be made good as new , but you would n't like that , my little lady , the cutting and the sewing hurts like the devil … . ’
21 Thank you to Pauline Kenward for organising this particular scheme to raise money for the Society .
22 Thank you to Pauline Kenward for organising this particular scheme to raise money for the Society .
23 Turning right along the lane brought you to Southampton Road by Dairyhouse Bridge , another right turn and along the main road to another footpath opposite Waterloo Gardens — this led into the churchyard and so to home .
24 Thank you to Jenny Cochrane of Liverpool for her poem :
25 Firstly , thank you to Jean Laidlaw for demonstrating the art of revalving balls .
26 and I , I showed her around some I , on the way back I said I 'll take you to Branston Park on the way back and I 'll show you where John 's working and I took her on to the , into the car park and I said look there he is up , huh , cutting the lawn , he was up cutting that , the big lawn she said one massive place I mean I took her all the way through Branston Park back to erm
27 Were you to continue on this path it would take you to Corrour Station on the edge of Rannoch Moor , and judging by the brutal erosion , something exciting and irresistible must be going on up there to lure so many boot-clad walkers along the track .
28 He said' I was in 4j with you at Drayton Hall in Banbury ’ .
29 I 'll meet you by Kew Bridge in an hour .
30 They are naturally keen to have contact with anyone who can help them with Oxford spares of all kinds .
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