Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] [noun] [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 Health professionals and social workers all have closely demarcated responsibilities which are impressed on them during training and they often bring to mental health services traditional attitudes and approaches which can act as a brake on the development of new ways of doing things .
2 Her belief in their abilities and the ideas she instilled into them had carried them through situations that they would otherwise have found impossible .
3 It is obviously important to get people to join the G M B and it 's just as important to keep them as members once they have joined .
4 The pet shop where his grandad had bought him his hamster called Hammer and his goldfish called Sickle and where his nan used to take them for resurrection when they died .
5 so you can go to them and ask them for advice and they ca n't give it , because there 's not that link back to where you know
6 Martin Peak and Karen Brielly died when soldiers mistook them for terrorists when they roared through a roadblock .
7 In Walsall Wood erm as I say , we used to have er two big bags full on a Fri Friday and then in the week we could go up but you 've got your bread but , you know , yo the men would be , I can just picture them with their little , all this pretty coloured paper would all be in little piles and when there were no customers , they would be wrapping the rice , the raisins , the currants , all in these pretty papers you see and they knew , I mean you 'd ask them for currants and they never sort of knew , I did n't quite understand how they could pick by , it 'd be by the paper you see .
8 Women on the continent have been using them for years and they 're gradually becoming available in this country .
9 In the subsequent show report , I proclaimed that it was love at first sight and when I heard that a new model was in the offing which would , the company told me , prove to be their most eye-catching to date , I pestered them for weeks until they sent me one for review .
10 be seen to at the eye hospital , Sir John said in January I 'll send you to Altrincham because they have a specialist , go to the , like they have one go to the Cottage , each , a different like a skin one day , summat , so like you 're there and you 're not traipsing for the eye hospital
11 But no steps were to be taken to put them into effect until they had been communicated to the king , who , when he had satisfied himself that they had been made without prejudice , would decide what was to be done .
12 Members will take them into account when they come to a decision .
13 The bad one leads them into temptation and they believe that the only way that they can get rid of it is to drag it close to danger .
14 It is they who plucked starving kids from the back streets and made them into heroes before they sank into oblivion mentally and metaphorically .
15 It looked as if he was weight-training , then I realized he was bending them into circles so they could be covered in coloured paper and turned into Christmas wreaths .
16 Despite some earlier hesitations , it is now certain that A commits the tort of intimidation against C if he threatens B with conduct which is unlawful in relation to B and thereby intentionally causes B to act ( or refrain from acting ) in a way which causes damage to C. It is not a requirement of this tort that B's conduct be in any way unlawful in relation to C. An old illustration is Garret v. Taylor , where the plaintiff was the lessee of a quarry and alleged that the defendant had ‘ disturbed ’ his customers and his workmen by ‘ threatening to mayhem and vex them with suits if they had brought any stones . ’
17 Landlords might try to coerce their tenants into voting for their favoured candidates , threatening them with eviction if they failed to comply .
18 BNFL chiefs got an injunction against U2 threatening them with arrest if they turned up at the plant gates .
19 Now summer had come Uncle Bean fenced in some of the waste ground for them with wire and they were able to turn the horses out , which made the work far less .
20 John of Marmoutier tells the legend that Geoffrey le Bel dressed up as a rustic and listened to complaints about his prévôts ’ rapacity ; on his return to court , he paid back the sums they had extorted , and threatened them with death if they continued to defraud the peasantry .
21 In May papal backing was given to her conditions for return ; two legates brought letters urging the younger Despenser to assist the reconciliation of the king and queen , virtually a request for him to abandon the court , but they got no further than Dover where the king interviewed them and threatened them with death if they dared to publish the pope 's letters .
22 There was a fair wind spattering them with rain as they made their descent to the beach .
23 As the time approached for me to concentrate on my matriculation , I decided to offer Charlie the opportunity to buy out my share of the partnership and even arranged for a qualified accountant to replace me in order that they could take over the book-keeping .
24 Many women I spoke to hardly bothered with a Dupatta indoors while others told me in whispers that they wore it only because their mothers-in-law insisted .
25 He decides to join them as he springs them from jail and they continue their journey .
26 Among those who did receive grants , moreover , most received them in areas where they already had influence .
27 Among those who did receive grants , moreover , most received them in areas where they already had influence .
28 If there 's a spot of dirt on them , they 'll impound them in Perth and they 'll go and do it all over again .
29 He looked at them in bewilderment as they stood , abashed .
30 ‘ Be careful , ’ Moran advised when he kissed each of them in turn as they were ready to leave .
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