Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] [verb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One of the pourers reproved me for eating cheese before trying the wine .
2 ‘ Everybody in Avonlea will laugh at me for putting medicine in a cake ! ’
3 Below are some guidelines you could give them for using video on their own .
4 This training was to elucidate the objectives of the study , to familiarise interviewers with the questionnaire , and to prepare them for conducting interviews on intimate and possibly sensitive questions .
5 Until this week , they had all their lessons together , but following a governor 's meeting , the school has agreed to segregate them for swimming lessons in the school 's pool .
6 When Norwich and Arsenal appeared at Lancaster Gate the FA was concerned not only that neither club had condemned the incident immediately but that Norwich had not given any indication that they were going to punish some of their players , apart from fining them for making comments to newspapers .
7 Could you advise me about moving fish to different water conditions ?
8 Skerne Park residents who were delighted when the traffic-slowing plans were approved are now worried by the bus companies ' attitude and are accusing them of putting profit before public service .
9 No one could accuse me of delaying consideration of allegations of miscarriage of justice when they have been presented to me .
10 He could see the bridge now , its stones gleaming silver and the hart 's tongue ferns between them like shivering slivers of metal .
11 Movements in foreign exchange rates will affect the sterling value of the principal deposited or borrowed and your finance director will not thank you for saving £50,000 by earning interest at 1 1/2 % above UK rates if you lose £1m when the foreign currency is reconverted to sterling .
12 Thank you for taking part in this survey .
13 I did the ones , I 've done the ones that were before that and thank you for taking part in
14 you know , I 'll say thank you for taking Anna-Marie to , to the Mozart concert .
15 Thank you for taking time for this interview , well that 's a load of crap cos I did n't give time .
16 Thank you for sending estimates for refurbishment work on the two Parish Council seats .
17 Thank you for drawing attention to it . ’
18 Because after you listen to the evidence will be that these are professional officers doing a very difficult job and members of the public , members of the jury create very dated job they have the one objective I 've told you about to protect members of the public from further harm from what they thought was an armed criminal on the run .
19 An assortment of engines and carriages from yesteryear will transport you through unfolding countryside to the nostalgic accompaniment of escaping steam and whistles .
20 In money terms the annual interest cost to you of providing credit to your customers is calculated by taking the value of your average monthly debtors outstanding and multiplying the figure by the current overdraft rate .
21 You must tell us immediately if the Police give formal notice to you of withdrawing response to signals/calls made by your intruder alarm .
22 They 've accused you of making water in the King 's palace , refusing to take all the enemy 's ships , refusing to destroy all the Big-Endians , seeing the enemy 's officials privately , and planning to visit Blefuscu in order to help the enemy against Lilliput . ’
23 He claimed that he was sick of this ‘ Steffi is Great ’ attitude and he accused you of showing favour towards Steffi .
24 I have kept to foods which I hope you will be able to find locally — there is no point in inspiring you with mouthwatering descriptions of cheeses available only in small mountain villages in the Alps !
25 We continue to be pleased to hear by word of mouth that Medau News is ‘ interesting ’ , ‘ well-presented ’ and ‘ a good idea ’ … this is , of course , very gratifying but still we can not inveigle you into putting pen to paper and writing to us .
26 To what extent do they appear to preclude you from making use of the skills and knowledge that you have acquired and competing with the people for whom you used to work .
27 A tiny lizard watched me with unblinking eyes from a rock beside the lagoon , while above the trees the red tin church roof shimmered bright in the sultry heat .
28 When I began to be seen around camp with a new face , I was subjected to a lot of nudging and winking from those who did n't know the facts , and people came up to me with knowing smiles on their faces , saying , ‘ I see you 've got a new boyfriend !
29 He looked at me with twinkling pity for my lack of understanding of the really serious things in life .
30 ‘ I somehow do n't think you 'd manipulate me into discussing religion with a real-live rabbi .
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