Example sentences of "[pers pn] [that] [pers pn] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 I think that feeling has got to be dispelled and it 's for these points that the , for these reasons the government needs to turn its attention a little bit more er to the issues that I that I have raised and I would refer in conclusion Madam de deputy speaker , the minister to the Bank of England 's er memorandum submitted to the treasury and civil service er select committee in its report published on eighth of December last year when at page a hundred and eighty five they draw attention to the European directives that the minister himself referred to .
2 Yeah , Could I also just quickly comment on the differences between columns H and I that you 've referred to .
3 ‘ For nothing , David , ’ said Julia , knowing that it was her fault and not his that they had got so near the brink .
4 I went to my old school in West Ham recently to talk to the children there and er the master to me that they 've got a bomb trail .
5 Pep talk from my assistant commissioner , a pointless press conference , further inconclusive forensic reports , lots of people ringing up and calling in to tell me that they 've got nowhere .
6 He was telling me that they 'd died of the frost or something .
7 Younis told me that they 'd taken my picture because I 'd hidden it .
8 I would never punish any child who did n't agree with me that they had done something …
9 Work-place acquaintance can safely be assumed to explain most of these weddings — though as it happens , two of the surviving women compositors , one who married a compositor from another printing office , and one whose husband worked at Bartholomew 's the map-printers , told me that they had met their future husbands at social gatherings unconnected with work .
10 But managers told me that they had learned from the experience .
11 Onlookers admitted to me that they had come simply to see the tragic spectacle of the naked bodies — some of which were badly burned .
12 It was clear to me that they had spared him in order to groom him for their own uses .
13 It 's about the third or fourth ti me that they have seen it — the same is probably true for most of the videos on the camp .
14 But they tell me that they have put forward two possible solutions .
15 I mean gender is one issue , but it 's not the only one , and one of the ones that it seems to me that we 've missed out on erm to date , when we 're talking about International Women 's Day , is race .
16 Do n't forget my plectrums ! ’ and the voice of a husband , too , calling after me that we 've run out of Marmite .
17 After that came my Marx and Schweitzer phase but I started getting greedy and wanting them all rolled into one and then somebody told me that we 've got to learn to love ourselves , so I tried that but it seemed a bit selfish .
18 You 're telling me that we 've got nothing to fear from them ?
19 Although Mr Salmon had already told me that we had declared war against the Germans almost a year ago — none of us having heard of Archduke Franz Ferdinand — we only found out how serious it was when a lot of young lads who had worked in the market began to disappear off to ‘ the front ’ to be replaced by their younger brothers — and sometimes even sisters .
20 Whether or not horses understand landing procedure ( they do n't smoke or have to cope with seat-belts ) , it occurred to me that we had taken a couple of bites at the cherry on our approach — I could only guess how near we came to dismantling the gateway to India , for there are no windows in those vehicles .
21 It has been a great joy to me that we have remained a very close family .
22 At a Conservative party meeting on 28 August , Amery noted that Horne ‘ on the whole agrees with me that we have got into a considerable mess and that the great thing is to extricate our people as soon as possible , ’ while Hailsham in his speech ‘ supported entirely what had been done but trusted that it would not last longer than two months — whereat loud cheers ’ .
23 And it did bring it home to me that we have got a major security problem in this building and in our other municipal buildings and quite frankly the ease with which anybody can come into this building at virtually any time of the day or evening astounds me .
24 erm Anything else on page nine ? erm On Nestlé , Chief 's reminded me that we have got , I received today , a long letter from Nestlé , basically saying they wo n't be coming today .
25 Personally , I prefer to speak about learning together because I think it 's more friendly use , er , user friendly I think I understand it better and it reminds me that it 's connected with disciple-ship .
26 It has n't surprised me that it 's happened again .
27 He had expressed so often the depth of his love and had made it clear to me that I had given meaning to his life .
28 It worried me that I had reacted as I had .
29 It was sad for me that I had fallen in love with someone who did not love me , but it was not an experience I cared to repeat — for more and better reasons than the fear of pain .
30 It seemed to me that I had become what my parents had wanted me to be , and I was getting no thanks from either of them for my efforts .
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