Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv prt] and it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 every so often , they 've got these little card things well they shove them in and it clicks all these numbers up so I used to buy one token
2 I suppose they 're very good and all in white and very ‘ county ’ like those awful people you got to ask me over and it turned out they were n't expecting me at all and there were four of them anyway .
3 ‘ They appreciated the peace it gave them from the ones who wound them up and it gave us peace .
4 yeah , the , that 's the awful part I tried one of them with a big bit here and I tried it on and it looked like a tit on a pimple , I said god what am I gon na do ?
5 So I threw the I put some thirty , thirty six on my hand , I put it on and it went hard
6 I tried it on and it fitted well enough .
7 You turn it on and it tapes people singing or talking .
8 He says well I 'm not paying you for it , he says you put it on and it do n't work , he says well we want it back , he says well you take it back and put my parts on that you took off , he says we ca n't , he says well I 'm not paying you hundred and forty pound for a part that do n't work and he says , anyway he says er , are you sure it 's a hundred and forty pound he said , an oil filter cost ten pound at some places but they 're actually only two so if you di divide it by five that 's forty pounds , he says I 'll pay you forty pound , but I 'm not paying you no hundred and forty he said .
9 At last , wonder of wonders it was finished for the second time , I tried it on and it drowned me .
10 Type it in and it 's captured , done , and they use digital photography or remote scanners .
11 wide brim things and put it down and it comes down here on me
12 Apparently during the First World War some professor erm was using a bunsen burner and he burned himself quite badly and by him he just happ he just happened to have some lavender oil essential and for the nearest thing he put his hand in there and apparently it was supposed to have calmed it down and it healed very quickly .
13 The water 's been flowing so fast it 's just dug up the tree by its roots and it pulled it along and it 's got wedged in the bridge look .
14 It 's o onl only a thought anyway , we just , as I say we 're just erm we 're mulling it over and it has n't the jobs have n't even come up yet , but erm it 's , it 's it 's a means to a
15 Waddell says a blanket was thrown over the old man and several times the old man knocked it off and it had to be replaced .
16 ‘ I pulled it off and it bled . ’
17 But the thing is that your er particular area you know , if you wanted to do one and not save it , you do n't have to save , you know , you know you can print it off and it 's done , but you can send mail to Tracey or headquarters C A , you would n't have to print it out once it 's what you want you just press a button and it goes .
18 Partridge had got all angry and upset soon too because as he was struggling with Steven a magazine fell out of his trousers on to the towpath of the canal and the other men had picked it up and it had been a spanking magazine so all the other men who were n't laughing and shouting already started teasing partridge ; Partridge started trying to wrestle Steven to the ground but Steven had got free and clouted the other man with the shovel , which was still bloody from hacking the cat to bits , and after that , with the magazine coming apart as the other men grabbed at it and Partridge rolling about dazed on the towpath in the cat 's blood and almost falling into the canal , Dan Ashton had said soberly that enough was enough and they 'd better go and see Mr Smith the supervisor because they just could n't go on like this .
19 If I hang it up and it falls off it might shatter .
20 And I pick it up and it says Loughborough Building Society and you can see about half a percent er premium rate on fifty thousand pounds , and you think that might be worth going for , for , for somebody who 's got a lot of capital , but is it really , because if you 've got fifty thousand in there , you are at risk .
21 cos the egg white would have fluffed it up and it 'd more
22 You put what I say in your mind and wrap it up and it disappears for ever .
23 If you can find some moss and dig it up and it lasts longer .
24 They do n't have time to verify stuff , a lot of the time they just put it out and it turns out to be false .
25 It claimed Elton John was hooked on eating food and spitting it out and it claimed he told guests at a Los Angeles party , I 'm on the do n't swallow and get thin diet .
26 and then and then I s and then in me head I did erm seven take away ten and then I worked it out and it turned out to be three .
27 I 've just blocked it out and it has n't changed my attitude to cars , except that they 're not safe enough .
28 Well it was off before and , and he put it back and it seemed to be alright did n't it Joan ?
29 and I had it on right and he came in right , and I was going , he was going , a long conversation all about little Harmony and everything and really going onto it , and I went to play it back and it had n't recorded anything .
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