Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv prt] [conj] i thought " in BNC.

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1 And when I went to go to work I pulled me gloves what I thought out of pocket and was going to put them on and I thought er
2 Ooh you 've never seen nowt like it , you know when your tomatoes are stuck on and then you shovel them off and I thought they were like that !
3 I did n't wake you up cos I thought you 'd want a lie in
4 Cos I got them out and I thought I must take them downstairs and give them to Maggie for her to give them to Gary .
5 Oh , cos I looked him up and I thought
6 I went out and saw it a minute ago and I thought I 'd bring it in and I thought I had n't seen you for a couple of days .
7 Then , last year , my husband took it up and I thought I 'd have another go ..
8 I was n't going to rush around buying horribly expensive things like smoke salmon that I could n't afford , I was going to do a big family feast and I was going to get in a few games like the monopoly or lotto or you know , I just , I have n't worked it out but I thought oh what fun
9 I crossed it out because I thought it was gon na say cos I thought it said , survey managers are instructed to work at all times
10 and went to put it back and I thought oh does n't matter does it you know credit cards .
11 Well I was going to put mine out and I thought it 's too wet .
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