Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb -s] be [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 A girl who I go with , she 's been teaching as well and her husband 's already in the hope that when she finishes they 're going to emigrate to America to .
2 He has been characterised as having a patron and as being professionally marginal .
3 The answer , as it seems to us , must be that the court regarded the enhanced right of silence which common law and statute have traditionally conferred upon a person once he has been charged as providing him , in the language of section 2(13) , with a ‘ reasonable excuse ’ for failing to comply with the requirement .
4 In the past he has been seen as too similar to form a partnership with Arsenal 's Tony Adams , but he said : ‘ I see no reason why we can not play together . ’
5 He has been described as ‘ eccentric ’ but esoteric might have been a more suitable word .
6 We have already noted that he interprets the Gītā as a call to action and it is not without significance that he has been described as one of the foremost activist theoreticians and as a karmayogin .
7 He has been installed as writing development worker at Darlington Library and plans to inspire would-be authors to follow his example .
8 He has been succeeded as Chief Operating Officer by John Hogan , previously Managing Director of LASMO North Sea PLC , who has also joined the Board .
9 The American critics were usually poets themselves ; Leavis made no attempt to be a creative writer — though he has been claimed as such by Ian Robinson — but his own criticism emerged from the Cambridge milieu of the twenties , where Eliot was a dominant influence .
10 He has been quoted as saying he wants to play long-ball football and that 6ft 2in Deane would come in as his target man .
11 Therefore it has been seen as right that they should be kept under male control .
12 Some of it has been seen as justifiable because it seeks to ensure competition and prevent monopoly .
13 Few would deny that there are elements of truth in this explanation , but it has been criticized as incomplete because of its bias towards élites and its failure to explain why nationalist symbols had such wide appeal .
14 It has been regarded as one of the two nearby stars sufficiently like the Sun to be candidates as centres of planetary systems ( Epsilon Eridani is the other ) .
15 But much of it has been regarded as stemming from forces eager to interfere with and undermine the free economy , shifting the locus of decision from the market place and into the political arena .
16 It has been defined as
17 The Farm seem to be this year 's Band You Love To Hate , but their version of ‘ Do n't You Want Me ? ’ is by no means the throwaway novelty it has been presented as being .
18 It has been presented as remote and ‘ surgical ’ — a technological war of such precision that only military targets are hit and all we experience is a tv screen demonstrating the spectacular nature of the equipment , and the helplessness of Third World enemies .
19 The last wolf was shot in west Germany as far back as 1846 and since then it has been registered as extinct .
20 Either the imaginary has been ignored altogether , in which case Irigaray is mistakenly described as a biological essentialist ( Sayers , 1982 , p. 131 ; 1986 , pp. 42–8 ) , or else it has been interpreted as purely and simply a Lacanian concept , in which case the conclusion is that Irigaray has misunderstood or misread Lacan , and has not taken on board the implications of his theory ( see Mitchell and Rose , 1982 , pp. 54 6 ; Rose , 1985 , pp. 136 , 140 ; Ragland-Sullivan , 1986 , pp. 273–80 ) .
21 On the one hand , it has been interpreted as indicating a revival of entrepreneurial vigour with new firms being formed either on the basis of new technologies or else in order to exploit market opportunities which have emerged as a result of the recession .
22 Because the drug is less likely to depress the respiratory system than other pain-killers , it has been marketed as particularly useful for young children and the aged .
23 It has been proposed as useful in a wide range of conditions , including hypertension , colds , HIV infection , hepatitis A and hepatitis B , myocardial infarction , cancer , cataract , asthma , Parkinson 's disease , schizophrenia , arthritis , cystinuria , alkaptonuria , myeloma , leukaemia , iron overload , methaemoglobinaemia , and immune thrombocytopenic purpura .
24 As such it has been used as a very weak tea ( 6g/¼oz to 600ml/1 pint/2½ cups of water ) ( one cup per day ) by male artists and craftsmen .
25 It has been summarized as follows :
26 In practice , it has been taken as allowing the jury to assess whether the mental abnormality was such a significant factor in the killing as to reduce D's culpability to the extent that the offence should be reduced from murder to manslaughter .
27 It is true that it has been forecast as being upon us for a long time , but things are now really moving in some areas .
28 It has been discarded as worthless for any library purpose , like an old shoe or damaged pot in a mediaeval rubbish tip .
29 It has been described as clammy , pelvic and throbbing .
30 The Old English Longhorn was prevalent in Ireland and the west of England , particularly northern Lancashire , southern Westmorland and the Craven district in Yorkshire , and it has been described as rough in the shoulder , flat-sided , light in the hindquarters , thick-necked , lean of flesh , thick of skin , slow to grow and slow in its movements — a very useful draught animal , in fact .
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