Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb -s] [pron] [vb infin] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 But she sees him suppress what could only be a smirk at her very mention of a dybbuk .
2 She lets them know what she thinks .
3 It 's er it is n't it is n't everyday language , and I 'm not sure that it helps us express what we really want to say .
4 but then obviously that 's all he does or what he does I mean which is
5 He uses many adjectives , to render these images so clearly and precisely in our minds and throughout the novel everything seems so real to us and he makes us visualise what he can actually see .
6 But it makes me wonder what you were doing if you were worried I was watching ! ’
7 ‘ I must say it makes you wonder what the Security Police are up to not knowing that — and Steinmark working with secret archives . ’
8 It makes you wonder what reserves this young man has reached into , to come up with this .
9 Whether you 're going or staying , it makes you wonder what 's going on .
10 Erm , and perhaps because he was becoming too friendly with Josephine , he was sent to Spain by Bonaparte , but then he fell out with Bonaparte , and Bonaparte fell out with him , and he was put under surveillance by the erm , the President , and erm , it makes you wonder what really went wrong .
11 It makes you wonder what news
12 ‘ I think , ’ continues Dolores , ‘ that all this , everything that 's happened to us makes you say what you want to say a lot more .
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