Example sentences of "[pers pn] [was/were] [verb] the first " in BNC.

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1 I was quite wet when I was drinking the first Martini .
2 ‘ I told him if he would n't stay in Copenhagen with me than I was catching the first plane home ! ’
3 James Brown when receiving our first album ‘ Box Frenzy ’ — ‘ I was expecting the first Clash album and got the third Sham 69 album ’ — which we thought was a bit of a compliment .
4 As you were over 75 and on a modest income , you were allowed the first £4,180 tax free .
5 And if I think you were to read the first two pages of his autobiography , there 's a dedicatory verse on another page , I ca n't help feeling that you will agree with me that , in a , there 's something embarrassing about them .
6 Getting out her suitcase , and with her fury riding high , she began throwing her belongings into it — she was catching the first plane out of there !
7 She had come to painting late but after the exhibition of ‘ Angela ’ in 1900 , an Impressionistic portrait of a woman at a mantelpiece in a shimmering , full-skirted dress , she was made the first female member of the New English Art Club .
8 She could n't quite believe she was taking the first few tentative steps back towards her marriage .
9 Helen wondered if she was seeing the first moment of a gathering hysteria .
10 He had knocked on the back door while she was kneading the first batch of bread dough she had ever made in her life — something to do , she thought crossly , with coming to the country — and she had gone to answer him with floury hands and a frown .
11 There were still bits and pieces left to organize for the coming weekend , when she was hosting the first major social gathering of the new year .
12 Cos I 've been silly in the past , I 've told Evelyn lots of times and we had a new machine , a rapid na nailer , it er nailed er army sho er soles onto the at five hun it used to do three hundred and fifty nails a minute and we m made one just for I er went out on the road , er to five hundred a minute you see , and er we were building the first half a dozen and er er there 's two pawls at the back of the machine
13 Erm and so I , I believe that er the resolution in fact on the order paper will stand er and if we were to remove the first two lines er of Mr 's erm resolution that the County Council he represents if necessary that in a full , a full public enquiry into the fifth terminial at Heathrow , if we get that and graft on the rest of his words er to the resolution er on the Chairman er that will do two things er it reads er the quality of our Officers are suggesting and it picks up again a very important comments er that he makes er regarding post , er , er something that is public erm , er and that it , it meets media and the other improve that 's something for the district office report .
14 So if we were talking about the Middle Ages we had Gregorian chants , or if we were doing the First World War we had First-world-war songs .
15 The church had important links with the butchers of Prague and they were given the first chapel on the left at the W end in honour of their defence of Prague , once in 1611 against the troops from Passau , and again in 1648 , against the Swedes .
16 They were enjoying the first fresh food they had had in weeks before settling down for a long , well-earned rest .
17 When they were doing the first picture they had , I think it was .
18 They were hauling the first of the thin , encasing layers over the top of the frame , the heavily-suited men pulling on the guide ropes .
19 Endless cups of coffee helped a bit but what a relief it was to see the first pale streaks of dawn creeping across the sky .
20 Lamarr Dean stood with his side against the bar so that he was facing the first Apache .
21 As he responded , Rostov remembered the survey briefing and wondered if he was seeing the first evidence of genetic mutation .
22 Here with ZETA he was overseeing the first example of the reverse process — the controlled fusion of light elements and detection of the products , the neutrons .
23 He remained there until 1903 , when he was appointed the first , and only , director of the newly founded University of London Physiological Laboratory , established in the former Imperial Institute in South Kensington mainly as a result of Waller 's initiative .
24 When I come back in , things was all up in the air because while he was moving the first position of the dust extractor , there 's a radio there .
25 If was for service to the monarchy , however , that he was made the first Earl Ashburnham in 1730 ; for a family that had begun as modest farmers in the medieval Weald , this was no mean achievement .
26 In 1905 he was made the first patriarch templar .
27 He was a right , right and ultra right Labour party , and he was made the first chairman .
28 He took a prominent and active part in the investigations which led ultimately to the Mines Inspection Act of 1851 , and he was elected the first president of the North of England Institute of Mining Engineers , to which he subsequently read many papers , on its formation at Newcastle in 1852 .
29 On the day on which Saad Rashid had received the confirmation of the transaction from Switzerland , he had tidied his desk at the back of the Iraqi Airlines office , taken what few personal possessions he kept there and placed them in his briefcase , locked his door , pocketed his key , and told his assistant manager that he believed he was showing the first symptoms of the ‘ flu that was sweeping London .
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