Example sentences of "[pers pn] [is] not for us " in BNC.

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1 Whether this is important to you is not for us to say .
2 Seems I was right all the same , and if Harry 's got money to spare as he does n't know what to do with , then it 's not for us to deny his right to spend it any whichaway he pleases .
3 It 's not for us to chase .
4 It 's not for us to decide necessarily that we will we will treat effluence to a certain standard and pass the costs on to you , because that 's where it all goes to .
5 I mean , it 's not for us to look into , but ,
6 Telephone , well , it 's not for us , no .
7 The elders in the congregation will take careful note of what 's happening in the circuit with regards to these figures and the standard of er talks and so forth and the standard of teaching , well it 's not for us to quibble about it is it ?
8 I said it 's not for us anyway so
9 I do n't make any apologies for that , and maybe it is going over the old ground , but unless we do it , unless we try to do it , if we 've done it the way before been and it has n't produced what we , what we want , then surely it 's not for us to sit back and say , ‘ Well , it 's been through that and it has n't worked ’ , surely we ought to try again , and that 's what I hope to be doing , sort of value your support and see you .
10 It is not for us to judge .
11 It is not for us to steer these people or act on their behalf ’ , said the SPD spokesman Eduard Heussen .
12 It is not for us to make political decisions .
13 It is not for us to say we are going to do it .
14 It is not for us because we are going out of this business .
15 It is not for us to decide whether or not a book is racist or obscene or seditious ; society has laid down laws to make such judgments and has conferred upon statutory bodies the power to advise and assess on such matters — however imperfect or fickle such institutions may appear in their assessments .
16 And where such statutory means are slow to act or uncertain of their action it is not for us to make pre-emptive strikes in the name of propriety .
17 It is not for us to judge the personal morality of the decisions individuals have taken .
18 I would not exclude a consideration of the greenbelt functions served by the area , but it is not for us to question the correctness of the approval by the Secretary of State for the Environment of the general extent of the greenbelt for York .
19 The hon. Gentleman will understand that it is not for us to tie the hands of the Government of Kenya but to encourage , offer help and point the way whenever we possibly can .
20 It is not for us to query his decisions .
21 I would also I think put in a word for the work of the joint po policy panel erm which is shared between this committee and the social services committee because it seems to me that it is not for us to be thinking that there is a group of children for who nursery education is necessary er or desirable and a different group of children for whom something else erm is necessary and desirable , largely because of their parents ' position .
22 Yeah I think on the er i it is n't for us here to decide the level of contributions .
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