Example sentences of "[pers pn] [is] [verb] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She says she 's hoping that they 'll find a new kidney donor .
2 so obviously she 's assuming that she 's talking to Elvis , but er , she ca n't prove it
3 But looks are deceiving and , despite her daintiness , Jo 's no lightweight — for , as Home and Away 's policewoman Jane Holland , she 's proving that you do n't have to be big and brawny to act tough .
4 Kate Spencer-Nairn has been in wheelchair for eight years since her treatment at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford.In a High Court damages case against Oxfordshire Health Authority , she 's claimed that her spine was n't properly shielded during radiation treatment for Hodgkin 's Disease .
5 She 's shown that she can think on her feet , that she wo n't be bullied , even by a Prime Minister .
6 I said you , I said I do n't go out with and he 's saying , she 's saying that I do
7 like be doing his A levels and that she 's saying that she 's gon na take both of our stereos , lock them in the , lock them in the shed all day , take
8 Because she 's saying that she ca n't make herself sick .
9 Now she is wishing that I was back at work . ’
10 Now she is hoping that her open luck will change , though it looks as though Smashiton will have too much to do in tonight 's £100 450 metres open at Sunderland .
11 A mother insists on her small son 's going to bed at a certain time , in spite of all his protests , because she knows he needs enough sleep to keep healthy and alert ; but in his view , she is insisting that he gives up his happy play , cutting him off from the rest of the family , for no good reason .
12 Helping an elderly woman to adjust and to find a new identity is never easy , but it can nearly always be achieved if she is shown that she is still loved and needed , by her family and friends .
13 People still think the greatest compliment they can pay you is to say that you look younger than your age .
14 Yours will most probably be the arms she needs at this point , and the best thing you can do for her is to show that you share her grief , and that as far as possible you are going to be the rock on which she can lean while the sands of her life are shifting so frighteningly beneath her feet .
15 ‘ No , I think it 's flattering that somebody would take the time .
16 And if it 's discovered that I spent most of my childhood in care , then reporters could make enquiries and turn it into a big thing . ’
17 It 's understood that he has now been twice to complain to the Prime Minister that ministers are trying to make his staff do things he finds improper .
18 Retired university lecturer Ray Morgan was not at home when we called to see him , but it 's understood that he decided to quit after several meetings with the Gloucestershire Magistrates Association .
19 It 's arranged that you would eat out or in small parties at the hotel , as I thought maybe you 'd want to get away from each other by then … .
20 When it 's raining that I find depressing !
21 It 's said that you will always remember your first time .
22 It 's said that he first traced the outline for his ladylike creation around a tall woman friend .
23 Willis was blamed for costly delays that plagued filming throughout , and it 's said that he antagonized his co-stars by constantly ad-libbing during takes , leaving the other actors speechless .
24 It 's said that your new play ‘ The Power Of Darkness ’ deals with a world where sexual ignorance turns men and women into adversaries and where the irrational fear of famine turns into irrational greed .
25 They 'll go for small birds , insects and even worms — but then , it 's said that there 's as much protein in a decent-sized earthworm as in quarter of a pound of beef , so it must be nourishing , if not very appetising by most people 's standards !
26 ‘ There are two children to each room and it 's planned that anyone who has difficulty speaking is put with a child who can communicate well .
27 As someone who lives just outside Brighton and commutes to Autocar & Motor 's office on the outskirts of Teddington , West London , it 's fitting that I should be the Clio 's new keeper .
28 So it 's fitting that his collection of fishing tackle is being auctioned off in the town tomorrow .
29 It 's confirmed that you 're in it ,
30 It 's to say that there maybe some rather simple scientific idea behind some idea , but in practice there are so many other constraints and limitations , but all these have to be taken into account .
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