Example sentences of "[pers pn] [is] [verb] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She 's wanted for questioning following the withdrawal of £130,000 from the funds of the Worcestershire Kurdish Refugee Association .
2 She 's complaining of feeling hungry .
3 ‘ She 's thinking , my boys , ’ their father told them , ‘ she 's thinking of taking the place of your mother , because she 's thinking she 's become every bit as pretty as her , God rest her soul indeed .
4 She 's thinking of taking him out is n't she .
5 But er but when Marguerite says she 's thinking of having a couple for her living room that ca n't be pictures of somebody else 's room she 's putting up , he must be taking snaps .
6 She 's bent on going .
7 She 's trying fe tell yu ,
8 And it 's like a viscous circle all the time between us my , I do n't know what all become , apparently erm , mother is erm , cos I said you know , you all going to mother 's at Christmas and they said oh no she 's talking about going away .
9 No but bearing in mind she 's talking of going out , saying that they 're gon na go out Monday night for it are n't we ?
10 ‘ And she 's adapted to spending seven months virtually imprisoned in bed , or at least on the couch …
11 But she might be going with a friend , and I think she 's planning on meeting up with Aunty Edna .
12 Since she was a schoolgirl she 's dreamed of owning shops .
13 She 's resigned to spending this Christmas on her own … but says she wo n't let the matter rest until British Rail backs down .
14 If you imagine you can use me to remind Mademoiselle Rabier of what she 's missing by paying attention to her friend Bernard then you can think again ! ’
15 Just think what the reaction might have been if she 's responded by saying she had no plans to quit .
16 She 's accused of taking money while a co-trustee of the Worcester Kurdish Refugee Association .
17 After all , as he had said — and now every word of our conversation came back to me as clearly as if played back on a tape — a woman has a right to decide , on the basis of her own capacity to cope with the situation , whether she is justified in going on with it .
18 I can argue that Greenfield does not make this explicit because she is taking for granted conventions that she herself has learnt in the western education system and which she expects her readers to share .
19 She is mistaken in accusing me of that .
20 The gossip is that she is thinking of resigning from the practice and going back to her home town .
21 She is thinking of taking a course run by the Market Research Society so that she can expand her career .
22 Powys already receives a good proportion of overseas visitors , and she is thinking of adding basic foreign language courses .
23 She is thinking of going
24 Finally she is forced into exclaiming , with almost bewildered amazement : ‘ These people are it !
25 She is accused of attempting to murder and causing grievous bodily harm with intent to Katie Phillips , Becky 's twin , Kayley Desmond , 14 months , Paul Crampton , four months , Henry Chan , two , Christopher Peasgood , eight weeks , Christopher King , five weeks , Patrick Elstone , seven weeks , Bradley Gibson , five , Michael Davidson , six , Dorothy Lowe , 73 , and Jonathan Jobson , 15 .
26 While she is occupied in examining the gift , he quickly scuttles over her and ties her to the ground with bonds of silk before he risks an embrace .
27 Get a quote from the vet for night visits in case he or she is needed at foaling .
28 But the way it 's moved on has been quite good .
29 I have an aversion to noisy cameras , and this one rings several decibels before it 's done with selecting and focusing the lens , and winding on the film .
30 This is because it 's packed to bursting point with blood .
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