Example sentences of "[pers pn] [to-vb] what [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He had disappeared entirely , leaving me to wonder what the hell he was playing at .
2 Still , it would do no harm for you to see what a galaxy looks like .
3 and it gives you an example , okay and it tells you to write what the situation is , so it 'll be at home with the children watching television
4 It seems to me that you get these big moments in the life of the church , as you do in the life of any institution , historically speaking , and it takes a long time for you to discover what the effect of them is going to be .
5 It is important for you to understand what the physiotherapist does , so that you can follow any instructions the physiotherapist gives you for remedial work at home , and can appreciate the patient 's progress .
6 ‘ Then you must also realize that for me to do what the Brigadier suggests would be a betrayal of everything my father stood for and gave his life for . ’
7 ‘ I think that in any case technological developments ensure that there is no point in trying to propagandize or conceal , because people have access to the truth — at least , in theory they have access to more data that will enable them to determine what the truth of a matter is — through satellites , facsimiles , etc .
8 ‘ We want him to see what the reality is , compared with the tabloid myth , ’ said a party organiser .
9 She could feel the anger surging inside her and she fought it down , not wanting him to know what a fool she felt for not having been made aware of that fact .
10 It is the experience of similar events which enables him to judge what the purpose of an utterance might be .
11 I asked him to describe what the atmosphere in the dressing room is like with the rest of the team .
12 The Lord Chancellor said that the new conveyancing scheme , ‘ seems to me to show what the Law Society can do by way of setting appropriate standards of service to the public .
13 Research studies , however , including ( … ) those of Wolkind and Kozaruk ( 1983 ) on children placed through the Adoption Resource Exchange , and Reich and Lewis ( 1986 ) , and Maca-skill ( 1985a ) concerning the agency Parents for Children , indicate that children who have been placed against their parents ' wishes seem to be settling quite well , but there are insufficient numbers , followed up for insufficiently long , for us to know what the impact of adoption of older children without consent is going to be in the long term .
14 We can give descriptions of a photon in terms of the way it behaves , but it is very hard for us to imagine what a photon actually is .
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