Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] be [vb pp] under " in BNC.

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1 I had a flimsy recollection of being afraid of getting drowned ; now I had a flimsy suspicion that I might be buried under snow and never rise again to the surface .
2 I have decided that as from tonight I will be reborn under a different star , ’ and here she gestured upwards to the constellation over her head , ‘ I will be rechristened , I will come down those stairs tomorrow night fresh to the world and glistening with a new name ; from now on , you will kindly refer to me , both to my sainted face and behind my back , as Mother .
3 Like every rule , it has means by which it is enforced ; in this case , if I break the rule of driving on the left-hand side of the road I can be prosecuted under a law of the land .
4 Doctors failed to diagnose her fractured skull and sent her back to Turner Village with a note saying she should be kept under observation and a message to return if her condition changed .
5 You will be covered under the Plan from the day we receive your Enrolment Form .
6 They made a demand of our waste , without offering any allowance for the same ; and by degrees did we tamely submit , we should be brought under a yoke , which would have some affinity to that of the Egyptian Bondage .
7 ( 9 ) ) and they may be heard under an arrangement under s.5(1) .
8 Therefore it has been seen as right that they should be kept under male control .
9 Whilst the provisions of the agreement should when drafted accurately reflect what the partners desire to happen in certain specified events or , at any rate , what the partners may have agreed as a satisfactory basis for subsequent negotiation or a sufficient fall-back position if those negotiations should break down , they should be kept under regular review .
10 The debate within Labour 's ranks was then about how far and how fast they should be brought under the direct control of the state .
11 Next morning he thought , " What have they done that they should be buried under the great gate of the city ? "
12 Neither the stevedores , the lightermen , the coal trimmers nor the seamen easily accepted the possibility that they might be submerged under an advancing tide of labourers more unskilled than themselves .
13 Admittedly in the beer industry the MMC took the position that , although there were block exemptions , they could be negated under certain circumstances if the agreements were detrimental .
14 It had to be decided whether the Vienna Convention would include provisions on objective regimes , or whether they would be subsumed under the general prescription .
15 They would be kept under house arrest within a fort until the yasak payment season came round .
16 Last August Australia sent three naval ships to the Gulf ; Bob Hawke , the prime minister , made it clear in December that they would be put under American operational control and could well see combat .
17 Admittedly the Fanuc robots are Japanese , but in future they will be made under licence and sold under the name ‘ 600 Fanuc ’ .
18 They will be marketed under the Rhodicare trade mark and all have controlled rheological features and the stabilising and thickening properties of xanthan gum .
19 They will be put under the strain of doing jobs for which they are unsuited and as a result will either leave after a short time , have the humiliation of being told they are unsuitable , or cause difficulties for other staff who have to rely on them or cooperate with them .
20 Each unit contains over four hundred items , establishing a major impact on the market with a multi-style choice of plains , patterns , print , wovens and textured fabrics ( although the fabrics are manufactured by Sekers , they will be sold under the Stoddard Templeton label ) .
21 If individuals have personal difficulties that do not impinge on their functioning at work they can be assessed under this agreement : the individual would then be referred to an appropriate specialist agency for ongoing work outside the agreement , on a personal basis and without commitment on RBGE 's part .
22 The Local Investment Networking Company ( LINC ) ( 071-236 3000 ) , sponsored by Lloyds Bank , BP and chartered accountants Levy Gee , circulates to investors details of possible investments in start-ups and growing businesses in their area and they can be arranged under the BES .
23 As a rough guide two strands wound together make something approximately like three-ply in thickness and three together are usually reckoned to be about a four-ply. these fine industrial yarns used to be in the ‘ odds and ends ’ bins , but the manufacturers have caught on to the fact that they are popular with machine knitters , so now they can be bought under a brand name .
24 Waste can also be a product , for example , where it is sold as a by-product or if it is disposed in a supply situation , rather than a mere discharge , where it may be covered under the Control of Pollution Act 1974 .
25 It may be exempted under Article 85(3) if it contributes to improving production or distribution of goods or promoting technical or economic progress while allowing consumers a fair share of the resulting benefit .
26 If the overseas trustees validly accumulate the income , the income will not , under general principles , be taxable upon the beneficiary ( although he may be taxed under anti-avoidance provisions mentioned hereafter ) .
27 They argued that to avoid this it should be placed under trade union control .
28 Alternatively , you may come to the conclusion that there is a real distinction between the authorities , and in this event the problem must be looked at from the point of view of general legal principle or public policy to decide whether it should be brought under the one head or the other .
29 If there is any doubt about the particular standard heading to which a specific cash flow should be allocated , then ‘ it should be shown under the most appropriate standard heading ’ ( para 14 ) .
30 The Performing Rights Society , which safeguards copyright , has confirmed that since your shop is a public area any music which can be heard within it must be played under licence — regardless of where the actual sound source is situated .
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