Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] give them the " in BNC.

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1 I 'll give them the real Henry Farr , and he wo n't just be making witty little remarks about the London orbital motorway either .
2 ‘ I 've threatened to shut the hotel down before I 'll give them the 12 per cent they 're asking for .
3 Just le lea you 're leading them home so let them pick a bit of grass and then you go on into the yard and I 'll give them the breakfast , they have their breakfast and while they 're eating their breakfast you 're doing your horse and you get finished and then you go and have yours .
4 that 's the perfect time and I had this sort of doubt in my mind erm then I was fortunate I learnt a co a very good scripted presentation for getting referred leads and once I started to actually ask , cos that 's all it comes down to , erm then I was getting three , four , in the end I was being quite clever and saying look if you just restrict them to three then I 'll give them the same good service I reckon I 've given you this service
5 He breaks up with Michael and I go round cu , I I 'll give them the car and get the amplifier , and he goes what amplifier ?
6 I could give them the key to Father 's safe and they 'd be so grateful they 'd have a pair of boots made specially for me .
7 Oh yeah , I , I 'd give them the same options but
8 All of them would live more happily if they and the world remained in ignorance , and to try to achieve that I would give them the one gift I could .
9 ‘ I expect another visit this night , ’ he reported to General Cope , ‘ but I shall give them the warmest reception my weak party can afford . ’
10 But you might give them the space to find one for themselves . ’
11 Damned if the foundation could have this picture ; she 'd give them the nameless three condemned as undisciplined talent .
12 However , if you feel the buyer 's going to present a business problem we show them the buyer 's guide and a business card so you can give them the buyer 's guide , explain what it 's for and then give them your business card and then that buyer 's guide to look for business card .
13 ‘ And now we 'll give them the unique burn of a lifetime .
14 We 'll give them the full commission on the full ticket
15 They said they 're going to take ten days to make up their mind Lynda so we 'll give them the benefit of the doubt .
16 If we build public sector houses we will give them the homes they need .
17 There is no point in library staff researching rose varieties for an enquirer , for example , when we can give them the address of the National Rose Society , which we know to be helpful .
18 We guarantee nothing — wild birds are free to go where they wish and , though we can give them the best possible conditions , we can never be certain that they will stand in front of a hide !
19 ‘ Maybe we can give them the opportunity to do something new , to wake up a little bit of the market .
20 If the Commonwealth War Commission do n't know how to get hold of the War Graves Commission The Commonwealth War Graves Commission can give us the information we want provided we can give them the christian name of the person and the regiment .
21 instead of saying , telling the er insurance people that they 'd give them the bills and they could pay them as they came in , he said they 'd got a lump sum .
22 It may give them the light as well as what
23 It 'll give them the option to say no now and again .
24 He would give them the note ; and then he would have a method of beating the rhythm for several bars and — and this was always remarkable — the choir would enter with a sound that had an unbelievable power and precision in the attack .
25 He would give them the benefit of his theories that letting their hair down at pop concerts and football matches would be a therapeutic and profitable use of their leisure time .
26 ‘ For some children it would give them the opportunity to wreak mayhem , while other , more sensitive children would be deeply affected out of all proportion to what they had done .
27 It would give them the push they needed to come out into the open .
28 Communist Party thought that how that by giving peasants their own land it would give them the incentive to increase production which
29 They said if you give the peasant the land it will give them the enthusiasm to work hard , they will increase their output .
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