Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] be because [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No reason why you should be because she was . ’
2 ah she would be because she was there
3 In principle they should be because they are part of erm your assessment .
4 ‘ The only reason so many clubs have signed him must be because he 's a good motivator .
5 Mick , the National Officer has been er , the link between these organizations and I hope that the er , Professional erm , Boxers ' Association will give some credit to the G M B in erm , establishing themselves and we hope , as an organization , that in the future that they can be successful and we can be sure they will be because they 've not only got the likes of Barry but they 've got many other , prominent er , boxers who will , I 'm sure , establish erm , the Association in a very er , positive fashion .
6 Ever since we entered the training video market , competitors have claimed the only way we can offer training videos for less than they can is because we do not bear the full cost of production , by sourcing products from broadcast programmes .
7 If you get a correlation between two variables it may be because one causes the other , or directly influences it , or it may be that it 's just cha it 's just a chance fluctuation and the two have occurred together , or it may be a combination of the two .
8 It may be because their investigation is primarily concerned with children 's speech , but , in describing the discourse topic as the ‘ question of immediate concern ’ , Keenan & Schieffelin appear to replace the idea of a single correct noun phrase as expressing the topic with the idea of a single correct phrase or sentence .
9 It may be because they thought he has access to money or stores it there but that information is wrong .
10 If there is little or no improvement on the Step 2 diet , then it may be because there is a general yeast sensitivity , due to candidiasis ( see p 184 ) .
11 If the comb is n't level , it may be because you did n't put it in symmetrically , or that the weights are n't positioned symmetrically , or it 's caught on the ribber , or you tied the end of the yarn to the clamp when you started .
12 This may be because by now she is find the spelling test hard and is getting anxious ; or it may be because she can not make an accurate guess at the way new words are pronounced .
13 Mind you there again it 's cheaper than it should be because we 're paying it on VAT , you know , it , er , they must think we 're fools
14 If they exercised them , it should be because they had earned them .
15 3 But it also makes sense to say that the British constitution is what the authorities say it should be because their views on these matters help to police everyday political practice , pulling it into line with the constitutional theory which they themselves advance as the proper way to conduct politics .
16 If she did not see fit to prevent their actions , it must be because they served her purposes .
17 It must be because they are historic that they have been left standing .
18 That 's erm moving along a little bit erm there 's also this business of of what I suppose in other contexts has been called blaming the victim , this business of children somehow inviting the the , if they have actually been abused , it must be because they 've invited it so erm that 's erm .
19 The persuasiveness of Berkeley 's argument about heat and pain depends on two things : ( i ) our readiness to distinguish between feeling heat and feeling hot , and ( ii ) our having the idea that if two things are called by the same name it must be because we suppose them to be like one another .
20 Well — the argument goes — it must be because we do not think that behind the parrot 's utterance is the thought ‘ I 'm going to the bank ’ .
21 Deciding that it must be because his plans had been thwarted , she firmly dismissed him from her thoughts .
22 It must be because I need him .
23 It must be because I 'm not reacting to the socket like the receptionist would .
24 It must be because it gets me out of the tent in the middle of the night to stand and contemplate the untroubled majesty of The Plough .
25 Yeah , yeah , yeah it must be because it 's erm , is it two hundred miles or not quite ?
26 ‘ My father , puzzled for an instant as to the meaning of this accident , since Mrs Goodyer was the gentlest and most inoffensive of our Church members , decided that it must be because she had made an idol of her husband … ‘
27 It must be because she 's seventeen or something .
28 If all that money we gave to Band Aid did n't do the trick , it must be because there are just too many of them .
29 Often , such people never consider that it might be because they are not academically qualified or had had a bad interview ; they automatically blame racism .
30 It might be because I felt tired .
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