Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] [verb] that it " in BNC.

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1 I have consulted the most celebrated authors on comparative anatomy , but do not find any such structures of those parts described ; and as it is not known to you , I may presume that it has not been before taken notice of .
2 I may say that it was not my intention to allow Harold Wilson to become involved in a full-scale lawsuit in circumstances where not so much odium but ridicule would be poured on him .
3 I must stress that it was not a first-hand observation , but in fact is third-hand .
4 I must stress that it 's to work with you , OK ?
5 Seeing my disappointment he winked an eye and said , ‘ Well , I must admit that it makes a good story ’ .
6 I dare say he felt that all this modern stuff was a bit beyond him , and I must admit that it is getting beyond me .
7 I must admit that it went through my mind , though I could scarcely credit it . ’
8 I must admit that it was fun , ’ Laura agreed .
9 What was attractive about the American consortium approach — and I must emphasise that it was never a take-over bid , Sikorsky 's stake is only eight per cent — was firstly , we had worked with Sikorsky on and off for forty years .
10 To these points I must agree that it appears that the NIH has most reprehensibly sought to exploit the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ( AIDS ) crisis to its own ends .
11 I said , ‘ I will give up everything for this orchestra , but in return I must ask that it be a lifetime 's possession . ’
12 However , I must say that it was a privilege to be there with them and their Mum 's and to help in whatever way I could , be it baby sitting or helping to push a baby buggy round the ‘ stations ’ ( who thought that one up ? ’ ) .
13 So all attending had brought their freshly picked bunches with them and laid them on the coffin as they arrived , and I must say that it looked — and smelled — lovely .
14 I must say that it sheds some light on the state of some of the aircraft that I had to fly in then .
15 As the Daily Express noted : ‘ Much as I disliked this film and its cheap exploitation of suffering and illness , I must concede that it has been made with the dead-on professionalism that is characteristic of the other ‘ Carry Ons . ’ ’
16 ‘ And I should hope that it wo n't again . ’
17 Even when you have decided a broad direction , and I should emphasize that it is only possible to set ambitions in a broad sense and only helpful so to do , there will inevitably come times when external events show that one has made a false assessment of one 's starting point or the ability of one 's competitors , known or unsuspected , to seize the initiative .
18 I should suppose that it is deliberately not so expressed , for I can not think that so simple an expedient as the transfer of assets to a company resident in the United Kingdom and the immediate removal of that company outside it would not occur to the draftsman .
19 I should think that it would be in order to discuss these matters when we debate the revenue support grant orders for England .
20 I should say that it is our intention to offer the Cyprus holiday as first prize with the five runners up receiving £100 B&I Travel Vouchers , if this is an acceptable way of dividing up your donation to us .
21 I suppose I should say that it 's because it would be best for her but of course it is n't , it 's because it would be best for me .
22 Digital technology has introduced ( or perhaps I should say that it has reintroduced , for the first time since the establishment and dominance of printing ) the unstable , or infinitely variable , text .
23 Oh we saw the grass had been flattened in places , but I should imagine that it 's probably by animals .
24 I 've already revealed that I started out in a donkey jacket , but I should add that it took me at least ten years to get a decent kit .
25 She felt as though confronted by a child : it 'll be all right , she wanted to say , I 'll see that it 's all right .
26 I 'll say that it 's not .
27 Erm so anyway the fact that it did happen obviously means that something 's wrong even though I 'll argue that it did n't seem as bad as he was presenting .
28 He had told me he was going all the way to Stornoway and I could tell that it was quite an event .
29 Even from the shore I could tell that it had half strangled itself in a length of fishing line ; it was also hooked up in several places and carrying some heavy land weights .
30 Through binoculars I could tell that it was part of an animal , and I could see it gently moving as it breathed .
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