Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] [verb] to [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Not really , but I must confess to experiencing some trouble locating my favourite sounds .
2 Erm I must confess to doubting whether such a pool of talent exists and I share the views er of the Noble Lord , Lord Motterstone who in a very powerful and commonsense speech made this point an and a number of other ones , but I have to say that what I do think exists is the temptation to create posts for friends of the Government , a process of which has been going for far too long and I mem and I wonder if er members on the other side would defend this position as my Noble Friend Lord Allen said earlier , quite sincerely if , say , another party were in power before when such a time arrives it will then be of little avail for them to run around complaining , for they will have sown the seeds of their own dissatisfaction .
3 I must confess to falling for this combo the moment I saw its name ; anyone with a sense of humour like that is okay in my book !
4 I must admit to preferring bitches myself , although I can see the appeal of a dog .
5 When I first took him to toddler group I must admit to feeling slightly uncomfortable about being ( usually ) the only man around .
6 Everyone was really kind , but I must admit to feeling out of place in this intimate all-female atmosphere .
7 I must admit to liking Wadkin .
8 Well I 'll go to canvassing and I 'll get your name down in there .
9 We still do not have a proper address for Nanking , but I 'll try to sent it to you soon , as I understand a comrade from Nanking is coming to see us here to make arrangements for our visit there .
10 At least I 'll try to armed with the facts .
11 I 'd like to seen how they did the , the ribbon book out of the heart
12 Well I 'd love to , if I get a choice I would loved to brought a brand new one .
13 I would recommend to Ran that perhaps he does not go on such a big trip again , and I 'm going to recommend it to myself . ’
14 Over the last few years I can admit to having heard enough of the individual experiences of examination candidates to make me totally cynical about a system which confers , supposedly , passes and grades of equal status on students in public examinations that cover so wide-ranging a diversity of structure and subject content .
15 If I stretch my imagination , I can admit to feeling a little tired lately , but put that down to the ageing process .
16 You may contribute to running the Home by attending its residents ' committee meetings .
17 As you hold the Chalice , become aware of any resistance you might have to drinking from it .
18 Perhaps while I 'm away , you 'll see to moving our bags to Chapel Street , I 'll make sure you have some money for the cab . ’
19 Then she could come to dancing classes , swimming , or on school trips like other mums do . ’
20 It was the nearest she could come to saying what he wanted her to say .
21 How close she 'd come to betraying the warm brilliance of the meanings !
22 ‘ Did he ? ’ she said , her whole body trembling now , as relief at her escape and terror at how close she 'd come to losing her life both stung tears from her .
23 Worse still was the realisation of how close she 'd come to making love with him .
24 ‘ I imagine Dad knew how you 'd react to having Guy at Armscott .
25 and then , then your metal you used to have to had n't you ?
26 Sometimes , sitting in Sadie 's room , temporarily energetic , talkative — cups of tea , coffee , perhaps a madeira — she would fall to thinking , looking at Sadie — and imagining .
27 Most lenders ' discounts are for a limited period only , after which you will revert to paying the standard rate — this table provides a guide to lenders ' competitiveness , which should be taken into account when making your mortgage choice .
28 You will need to restring your racket as many times in a year as you play in a week .
29 Soon you can graduate to using a rope tow to save the considerable effort of sidestepping up the slope , then ski down , stopping in a snow plough at first , then adding simple turns .
30 You will find that even when you are very new to the surgical ward , you can contribute to reducing the effect of some of these factors by simple strategies such as introducing yourself by name to new patients and offering your help while they adjust to their new situation .
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