Example sentences of "[pers pn] [subord] [pers pn] [vb past] her " in BNC.

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1 Angrily he crushed her mouth harder against his as he plundered her lips with a ferocity that took her breath away .
2 But she brought them because it salved her conscience to bring something , and she had not been for two weeks now .
3 If she was n't , he slipped into her mind , the memory of her response to him both torment and humiliation , and dislodging him once he entered her thoughts proved far more difficult than keeping him out in the first place .
4 Rourke could not hurt her if she kept her distance .
5 The questions she had feared earlier seemed to be taking physical shape in the shadowy corners of the room , phantoms waiting to trap her if she dropped her guard for so much as a second .
6 He wanted to see her , to enjoy her puppy-dog welcome , but he kept wondering how she would react to him if he de-programmed her affection .
7 He did n't answer , but slowly drew her to him until she rested her head against his broad chest .
8 Something snapped inside her and she flew at him , hoarse cries coming from the back of her throat as she slapped and scratched at him until he caught her wrists and dragged her hard against his powerful body .
9 But he ta also he talked with her because he sought her salvation .
10 She accepted it as perhaps quite natural though when he escorted her inside the hotel and waited with her while she got her key .
11 Fabia got out , then found that before she could say a word , Ven was escorting her inside the hotel and waiting with her while she collected her room key .
12 She allowed Dr Neil to sit her down on a doorstep and help her to replace her shoe , and he guarded her while she tidied her hair , and pulled her torn dress together .
13 She pretended to be engrossed in exploring the room , and managed to keep a foot or so away from him as he followed , making her uncomfortably aware of the wall of his body close behind her while she ran her hands over the antique furniture with an assumed interest .
14 It was funny how quickly she had got used to it , sitting there with them watching her while she swabbed her nipple and lifted the baby close to her so that he could reach it .
15 He caught the tea before it toppled , and sat and held her while she howled her eyes out .
16 She smiled up at him while she ran her fingers lightly over his muscled shoulders and back .
17 She dragged the zip all the way down and eased the top over his shoulders , leaving his arms trapped behind him while she ran her hands lovingly over his chest .
18 Mrs Thatcher later parried more questions when the Liberal Democrat Mr Charles Kennedy ( Ross , Cromarty and Skye ) asked her whether she felt her ‘ diminishing credibility ’ would be salvaged if she followed the advice of the former chairman of the Tory backbench 1922 Committee , Sir Edward du Cann , that a leadership challenge would clear the air .
19 She tried to laugh but the sound died in her before it reached her lips .
20 He rose and helped her to her feet , steadying her as she eased her weight on to the injured ankle .
21 He stared at her as she shed her shawl and sank into a chair .
22 The head of Lynnfield Primary School in Hartlepool , Joy Lowe , has written to parents after a ten-year-old girl complained that a man tried to accost her as she made her way to the school .
23 Carmella had not acknowledged her as she took her place , but an exchange of looks between Denis and his two younger brothers indicated that Noreen was going to be there no matter what .
24 The fish took up residence , and the male immediately started pushing the female against the side of the pipe and wriggling against her as she laid her eggs , which he then fertilised .
25 The children were watching TV peacefully , but Annie saw her as she bobbed her head around the door , gave a pleased gurgle and started to scramble down .
26 She gave a short laugh , and dropped her head to study the menu , conscious of his amused eyes lingering reflectively on her as she kept her gaze determinedly averted .
27 She lay down again , hugging the quilt around her as she closed her eyes , longing for sleep to overcome her , to give her some release from these endless , plaguing thoughts .
28 He went out of the orchard most uneasily , turning every so often to look at her as she contemplated her hens .
29 A wave of cheerful elation swept over her as she separated her pound note from Yanto 's fivers .
30 Lady Merchiston put out a hand and grasped his rough coat , soothing murmurs issuing from her as she gave her daughter a reproachful look .
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