Example sentences of "[pers pn] [subord] it [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 If she stretched out her hand just the tiniest bit , she would be able to touch his where it rested on his knee .
2 You could feel the floor trembling beneath you as it turned on the power and climbed . ’
3 He pointed out that the council had arranged a private tutor for him while it worked on trying to find him a school .
4 But , as she all at once realised that he thought , actually thought , that she had been pumping his secretary about him , so a tide of pink warmed her cheeks , and , ‘ Nothing ! ’ she exclaimed hotly , more startlement hitting her as it dawned on her that this then was the reason for his fury when he 'd seen them together .
5 Press reporting focused as much on the reports about other women who had had sex with him as it did on the events to which he pleaded guilty .
6 he would n't of told it if it gone on this
7 Yeah that 's that 's what I mean it 's if it if it run on the immersion before then you would n't have had that tank stat on there .
8 He he lifts it through and pulls it till it goes on his leg .
9 The right hon. Gentleman can hardly refer to such a body as having the kind of authority with which he seeks to imbue it when it disagreed on a number of matters and failed to address any of the ones that really matter .
10 I picked a fish-louse from it as it lay on the unhooking mat , dabbed a bit of waterproof ointment on a small wound on its flank , then slipped it back into the water .
11 His hand closed on hers as it rested on the wheel : ‘ Thank you again , my dear , God bless . ’
12 Walking about at night in the streets of Calcutta and of necessity stepping over emaciated bodies too lethargic to move , or visiting refugee shacks in beautiful Hong Kong , or standing helplessly in the filthy slums of Kampala , always the same agony and anger assailed me as it did on that cold morning in Kiel .
13 But it tends to gloss over them when it draws on mainstream psychology .
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