Example sentences of "[pers pn] [subord] she had [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Because I I mean I because she had asked me originally to keep it but I keep mine all separate until you asked me for it .
2 At first I though she had pissed herself , then I saw flowers tumble out of the sky and hit the water ahead of me like some strange rain .
3 She said it had prompted more real conversation between them than she had achieved in all their previous encounters .
4 It would n't have surprised me if she had walked across and jumped out of the window .
5 My mother did n't need them and was far too pretty to wear them if she had needed them .
6 Although she had expressed doubts about Ursula 's interpretation of the police 's conduct , it had rung truer to her than she had cared to admit .
7 With Gary she enjoyed a relationship she had never experienced with anyone else — the easy-going friendship of a male who made no demands whatever on her — and it meant more to her than she had realised .
8 He had tutted and twitched and tweaked , then proceeded to do more for her than she had thought possible .
9 As for Meredith , she forgot about him once she had ventured at last into the supermarket .
10 She lay on her back , her usually sallow face rosy , her mouth open and emitting regular snores which , though reasonably genteel , would have horrified her if she had heard them .
11 I asked her if she had raised the question with him and she said no .
12 ‘ I asked her if she had seen the news and she said ; ‘ Yes , I did .
13 As a child it had been embarrassing and as both teachers and playmates had looked askance at the familiarity she 'd reverted to the ubiquitous ‘ Mum ’ in their presence , but woe betide her if she had lapsed into this form of address in Margaret 's presence !
14 ‘ On one occasion I woke up from an operation in hospital and asked her if she had brought my Echo . ’
15 The content of what he said might have chilled her if she had harboured any desire to stay longer — which , she told herself fiercely , she most definitely did not .
16 Julius stood and watched her go , and wondered what else she would have said to him if she had known the complete truth ; that he had known from the very start exactly who had sent that poison pen letter to her .
17 Her mother , Frances , stayed with him until she had produced the son he so desperately wanted , but when Diana was just six years old her mother left home .
18 And yet , she wanted him like she had wanted no other .
19 She had already met this young man , when he had last come to pay his rent , and found him startlingly different from the Welsh boys of her acquaintance — a big , silent boy with disillusioned , almond-shaped eyes sunk above high cheek bones , a boy who had stared unblinkingly at her until she had begun to blush with embarrassment , so that she had felt stripped , not only physically but mentally as well .
20 She had n't realised how much it angered her until she had begun , and by the time she came to a halt , her voice had acquired all the sting of a whiplash .
21 On one or two occasions the figures had failed to balance ; any discrepancy deeply upset her and Peter had learned to avoid her until she had resolved it .
22 The first was a Carol Pearson , of Muswell Hill , interesting to him because she had worked as a hairdresser 's improver at a shop in Eastcheap .
23 Chasing after Julius in that oh , so subtle and ladylike way , looking down that elegant nose of hers at Jessamy because she did n't wear designer clothes or lead a sophisticated social life , silently sneering at her because she had lost Julius just as she , Eleanor , had always predicted she would .
24 He had looked after her since she had come here .
25 She had recorded in her journal everything which had happened to her since she had arrived in London and she wanted no prying eyes to read what she had written .
26 He had not seen her since she had attacked him to stop him hitting Oliver .
27 Margaret Thatcher once pleaded that it would be the ‘ cruellest thing ’ for her colleagues to unseat her after she had obtained for them more than a decade in power .
28 She had half expected him to contact her after she had turned away the team of cleaners he 'd sent to her house to clear up the mess , but she had heard nothing .
29 The 27-year-old mother 's ordeal began when the kidnapper jumped out at her after she had parked her car at the top of a multi-storey at a shopping centre in Eastleigh , Hants .
30 This looked like a very male occasion but she was greeted with smiles and urged indoors where Felipe found a seat for her after she had chosen her snack from the plates on the counter .
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